energy and water

UPCOMING WORKSHOP: Make Every Drop Count

Make Every Drop of Water Count: Efficient Irrigation, Smart Controllers and Climate Appropriate Shade Trees                        
June 28 7:30am-3pm
Clovis Community College Center

USGBC Central California's yearly efficient irrigation seminar is coming up on June 28th. Join us for this years' irrigation education opportunity with local and statewide experts. Speakers include David Fujino, UC Davis; Jim Bornemann, Ewing; Jon Bushoven, Fresno State; Julie Saare-Edmonds, DWR; and Maggie Reiter, Horticultural Advisor for Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kings, UCCE.

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

wEEkly Update


Here are your wEEkly updates:

News and Opportunities

California Clean Energy Jobs Act Citizens Oversight Board Meeting
The California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop 39) Citizens Oversight Board Meeting will be holding a board meeting on February 9, 2017.

Community Choice Aggregation En Banc Hearing
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will hold a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) En Banc hearing on February 1, 2017.

A Water Sector Energy Hog 
Water use accounts for about 20 percent of California’s electricity use and 30 percent of natural gas used by businesses and homes according to Alvar Escriva-Bou at the the Public Policy Institute of California.

Art Rosenfeld, California’s Godfather of Energy Efficiency, 90
Art Rosenfeld, known as California’s “godfather” of energy efficiency and who has been credited with being personally responsible for billions of dollars in energy savings, died Friday at his home in Berkeley, California.

Energy Commission Adopts RPS Results for POUs, Energy Demand Forecast Through 2027
The California Energy Commission looked back during today’s business meeting to see how publicly owned utilities (POUs) did in meeting California’s renewable energy requirements from 2011-2013 and looked ahead to predict how much energy the state will need through 2027.

Weatherization Guide for Local Governments
The Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC) released a new fact sheet on weatherization targeted for California local governments.

2017 SEEC Participant Survey
SEEC is requesting input from local government staff to get a better understanding of local government needs and interests to inform activities undertaken by SEEC and to help shape the 2017 SEEC Forum. We ask that you complete this quick survey by Today, January 27th at 5:00 PM.

Publications and Resources

Regulating Energy Efficiency - A Primer on the CPUC's Energy Efficiency Programs
A short report from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) that outlines how they currently regulate energy efficiency. 

Career Opportunities

Sustainability Coordinator, San Diego
Reporting to the Director of Sustainability, this role coordinates the day-to-day operations for the Office of Sustainability. Deadline: February 3, 2017

Senior Regional Planner, San Diego
The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) is looking for a Senior Regional Planner to support the implementation of San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan and the Sustainable Communities Strategy

Project Manager and Community Strategies Manager, Eureka
Redwood Coast Energy Authority is seeking a Demand Side Management Programs Project Manager and a Community Strategies Manager.

SEEC Calendar 
Click the Calendar link to view all upcoming events.

2/1-2/3 Energy Auditing Techniques for Small and Medium Commercial Facilities
During this three-day workshop, the instructors will focus on the audit process and foster attendees' ability to identify energy efficiency, demand response, and operations and maintenance opportunities in existing facilities.  (Additional dates available in SEEC Calendar)

3/16-3/19 (Yosemite National Park) Yosemite Policymakers Conference
Join mayors, city council members, county supervisors, city managers, and high-level department heads for the 26th Annual Yosemite Policymakers Conference.

4/26-4/27 Green California Summit (Sacramento)
The Summit provides a forum where innovations in policy, technology and practice can be showcased and shared.

5/5/17 (Long Beach) The Business of Local Energy Symposium 2017
Business of Clean Energy Symposium to convening government, business, and community leaders to accelerate California's shift to a clean energy economy and to exchange ideas about Community Choice Energy programs.


That's all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cary Garcia Jr.
Statewide Local Government Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly updates:

Peer-to-Peer Requests

Triple-Bottom-Line Accounting
A local government agency has requested information on cities and counties that practice triple-bottom-line or sustainable accounting. If your city or county has implemented triple-bottom-line accounting, or if you have any related resources, please let me know and I will get you in contact with this agency.

News and Opportunities

California Approves First US Energy Efficiency Standards for Computers
The new standards, approved by California's Energy Commission, requires most computers to draw less power while idle. Laptops are only required to see a slight reduction in power draw since they're already designed to be energy efficient. But only 6% of desktops currently meet the commission's standards. On average, noncompliant desktops will have to reduce their idle power draw by about 30% by 2019 and by about 50% by 2021, the commission says.

An Update on California's Distributed Energy Leadership
In a unanimous decision yesterday, California regulators created a new financial incentive pilot that encourages utilities to invest in DERs instead of more expensive traditional grid investments.

Microgrids Continue to Progress - With Some Bumps in the Road
Microgrids increasingly are being seen as a hedge against grid failure and as a way to more efficiently harness renewable resources. However, there is uncertainty for the future of microgrids as they grow at different rates in different areas and with potential decreases in research and development with the new Administration.
NYC Hospitals Reduce Energy Use by 10%
Transitioning to LEDs, solar panels, upgrading air handling units, replacing boilers, and steam trap replacement have been the common projects that enabled hospitals to reduce energy use.

RFP: Sustainable Communities Planning Grant and Incentives Program: Best Practices Pilot
The Strategic Growth Council in partnership with the Office of Planning and Research is soliciting proposals for an effort to support local land use planning related to climate and the State's statutory planning priorities. The program funding in the amount of $250,000 will be available for applicants to apply for up to $50,000. These grants will support the development and/or implementation of a specific portion of a land use plan, land protection or management practice, or development project. Proposals due January 11, 2017.

Job Opportunity: Energy and Water Coordinator, County of San Luis Obispo
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works is seeking an innovative and experienced individual who is committed to work as part of a team in delivering a broad range of energy-related projects at County facilities. The position covers a wide range of duties, such as energy monitoring and reporting to researching and implementing program/projects in the County's EnergyWise Plan. Applications due December 29, 2016.
Click the Calendar link to view all upcoming events.

1/25-1/26 (Sacramento) California Climate Change Symposium 2017
This forum aims to share cutting-edge research addressing the impacts of climate change on the state to inform the state's strategies and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to develop programs to safeguard California from a changing climate. Early-bird registration ends today, December 16th.

2/2/17 (St. Louis, MO) New Partners for Smart Growth Conference
Early-bird registration has been extended to December 16th  for the 2017 New Partners for Smart Growth Conference. This conference is the nation's largest smart growth and sustainability event and has been named one of 12 conferences not to miss by Planetizen. Early Bird registration ends today, December 16th.

3/16-3/19 (Yosemite National Park) Yosemite Policymakers Conference
Join mayors, city council members, county supervisors, city managers, and high-level department heads for the 26th Annual Yosemite Policymakers Conference. This popular conference always features a timely and inspirational program designed to provide the tools and support policymakers need to implement innovative solutions to address society's most pressing challenges. This year's conference will be no different with its focus on sustaining our progress and protecting the American dream.

5/5/17 (Long Beach) The Business of Local Energy Symposium 2017
The Center for Climate Protection along with the Local Government Commission and the Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition is offering their third Business of Clean Energy Symposium to convene government, business, and community leaders to accelerate California's shift to a clean energy economy and to exchange ideas about Community Choice Energy programs. Save the date - registration will open in January.

​Resources and Reports

2017 Building Intelligence Predictions
Podcast on building intelligence to accelerate savings, equity growth, occupant satisfaction and the arrival of smart, connected cities in 2017.

Re-Assessment of Net Energy Production and GHG Emissions Avoidance After 40 Years of Photovoltaics Development
This report shows strong downward trends of environmental impact of photovoltaic production, following the experience of curve law, and shows a break-even between the cumulative disadvantages and benefits of photovoltaics, for both energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, occurs between 1997 and 2018 depending on photovoltaic performance and model uncertainties.

The Benefits of Solar + Storage for Commercial and Public Buildings
A combined solar + storage system can firm and smooth the energy used onsite, reducing demand charge risk due to solar intermittency, and results in more reliable reduction of energy and demand charge-related electricity expenses. Additionally, a combined solution can enhance the resilience of a building's power supply, a key consideration for critical facilities in the face of increasingly common power outages in some areas.

The Challenge of Decarbonizing the U.S. Power Sector: Encouraging Innovation and Aligning Stakeholder Interests
This working paper describes current U.S. power sector trends and relevant environmental goals, ways that technology innovation could proceed or be interrupted, and three emerging low- and zero-carbon technologies generally considered leading options for meeting the decarbonization challenges. It concludes with ideas from a range of experts to meet GHG reduction goals and accelerate innovation to advance low-carbon generation.


And that's all for this week!