UPCOMING WORKSHOP: ZNE for Local Governments

Join a no-cost workshop to learn how to prepare for California's ambitious goals for zero net energy (ZNE) buildings.* 

On behalf of the California Public Utilities Commission, New Buildings Institute will be hosting four no-cost workshops in California in 2017 covering ZNE topics for both local government audiences and those working to retrofit existing buildings to ZNE. 

*A ZNE building generates as much energy as it consumes annually through clean, renewable sources. 

ZNE for Local Governments 

June 13, 2017 | 1:00-5:00 pm
Fresno, CA

This four-hour workshop is designed to give local government staff the information, tools, and confidence to create and drive progress toward zero net energy goals. Case studies show how cities can be leaders within their own public building portfolios by creating a clear code and policy roadmap, and by transforming the market through public awareness. We will review how to achieve climate goals through ZNE pilot projects, deep energy retrofits starting with municipal building benchmarking and portfolio analysis, ZNE codes, financial incentives, ZNE recognition, and other tactics. In addition to sharing examples of successful plans and ZNE-ready policies, small working groups will develop their own ideas utilizing training materials. This workshop will be held in conjunction with the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative Forumlgc.org/caseec/seec-forum/.

Who should attend: Local and state government staff including planning, facilities, and building staff, as well as architects, engineers, contractors, consultants, and others interested in ZNE are encouraged to attend. Space is limited, so please register and reserve your spot today. For more information: newbuildings.org/municipal-workshops/.

Meeting location: 
Doubletree by Hilton Fresno Convention Center
2233 Ventura Street
Fresno, CA 93721
(559) 268-1000

The published group rate in the DoubleTree Hotel booking system is $132/night- however, to make this event more affordable to attendees, the forum organizers are buying down the rate to $107/room night (+ taxes and fees). lgc.org/caseec/seec-forum/

4 AIA LU|HSW CEUs are available

ZNE for Existing Buildings

August 23 | 1:00-5:00 pm 
Commerce, CA

This four-hour workshop will outline best practice steps and approaches to comprehensively enhance the energy performance of existing buildings to ZNE. The workshop will investigate retrofit opportunities in individual buildings as well as how advanced benchmarking can help prioritize opportunities across a portfolio. We will review technologies, approaches, processes as well as portfolio project prioritization methods. Case studies of building strategies and technologies will be presented including advanced strategies a design team can take to achieve ZNE on an existing building. The training will address operation and maintenance considerations, including energy monitoring for ongoing building performance. This event will be held in partnership with the Net Zero 2017 Energy + Water + Waste Conferenceverdicalgroup.com/net-zero-2017/.

Who should attend: Local and state government staff including planning, facilities, and building staff, as well as architects, engineers, contractors, private sector owners, commercial real estate professionals, consultants, and others interested in ZNE are encouraged to attend. Find out more: newbuildings.org/existing-building-workshops/

Meeting location:
Net Zero Plus Electrical Training Institute
6023 S. Garfield Avenue
Commerce, CA 90040
(323) 221-5881 

4 AIA LU|HSW CEUs are available

These events will be facilitated by New Buildings Institute in partnership with the California Public Utilities Commission.

Additional 2017 workshop dates to be announced soon.

LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

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Funding Wizard | Energy Standards Online Resource Center | Energy Code Ace
CAISO Today's Outlook

8th Annual Statewide Energy Efficiency Forum Call for Proposals

The deadline to submit a proposal has been extended to Monday, April 17th. Click here to submit a proposal!

News and Opportunities

Technology Demonstrations Help Pave the Way for a Smarter Energy Infrastructure
PG&E highlights several projects funded by EPIC, the Electric Program Investment Charge

Too Much of a Good Thing? An Illustrated Guide to Solar Curtailment on California’s Grid
Greentech Media provides and in-depth review of California ISO's curtailment of renewable resources.

CEC Workshop: 2019 Zero Net Energy Residential Standards
California Energy Commission staff will conduct a workshop on April 20th to gather stakeholder input on the development of the 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards

Save the Date: May 19 En Banc on Community Choice
The CPUC and CEC will hold a joint En Banc Hearing with Commissioners of both agencies attending to discuss the changing state of retail electric choice

IEPR Workshop on Risk of Economic Retirement for California Power Plants
CEC, CPUC, and CAISO will discuss existing California power plants and how they may contribute to local and overall electricity system reliability

Building Below Zero Documentary and Panel Discussions
stok has been working with the International Living Future Institute to put together a Net Zero Energy Road Show.

Publications and Resources

Utility Training Resources
Utilities provide training resources in all the regions they serve in their regional training centers

Residential HVAC Educational Videos for the 2016 Energy Standards
The videos cove 2016 Energy Standards for HVAC requirements in low-rise residential buildings

SEEC Calendar 
Click the SEEC Calendar link to view all upcoming events.

4/20 Municipal Green Building Conference and Expo (Downey)
The U.S Green Building Council-Los Angeles Chapter (USGBC-LA) Municipal Green Building Conference and Expo (MGBCE) is the longest running annual green building event in Southern California.

4/26-4/27 Green California Summit (Sacramento)
The Summit provides a forum where innovations in policy, technology, and practice can be showcased and shared.

That's all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cary Garcia Jr.
Statewide Local Government Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

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Funding Wizard | Energy Standards Online Resource Center | Energy Code Ace

SEEC Local Government Roundtable
You can find more information and join a Local Government Roundtable using the link above. The current streetlighting roundtable is scheduled for March 27th. The next roundtable for Codes and Standards will scheduled soon.

News and Opportunities

Santa Monica and Marin County Local Ordinances
The City of Santa Monica and Marin County local ordinances that exceeded 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards are up for approval at the California Energy Commission's March 8th Business Meeting.

Urban Green Grant Program
The California Natural Resources Agency is providing funding to projects that reduce greenhouse gases by sequestering carbon, decreasing energy consumption and reducing vehicle miles traveled, while also transforming the built environment into places that are more sustainable, enjoyable, and effective in creating healthy and vibrant communities.

LG Input Requested: Draft Solicitation for EPIC Projects
California Energy Commission staff is developing a competitive Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO) through the Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) to increase the adoption of emerging clean energy technologies in large-scale procurement processes. Comments are due 5 p.m. on Monday, March 13, 2017.

22nd Annual POWER Conference March 24th
The Energy Institute at the Haas School of Business will be hosting the annual POWER Conference on Energy Research and Policy.

Getting to Zero Net Energy Buildings: Present and Future
The California Energy Commission staff will host a one-hour webinar to provide information on innovative projects focusing on zero net energy (ZNE) buildings.

Prop 39 Energy Expenditure Plan Deadline: August 1, 2017
The California Energy Commission would like to remind Local Educational Agencies of this important deadline so they can encumber Proposition 39 K-12 program allocations by the statutory required deadline of June 30, 2018.

Publications and Resources

Investing in energy efficiency: Research on when it pays
David Trilling of the Harvard Kennedy School provides a friendly overview of research on the value of energy efficiency across different times of day and seasons.

Career Opportunities

Policy Associate, Berkeley/Sacramento
Rising Sun Energy Center is hiring a mission-driven Policy Associate to work towards our goal of being a catalyst for social and environmental systems change by engaging in a transformative policy platform.

SEEC Calendar 
Click the SEEC Calendar link to view all upcoming events.

3/7 Zero Energy Buildings: From Dream to Reality in Public and Private Sectors
This webinar will discuss Zero Energy Buildings across the public and commercial sectors, and highlight DOEs new Zero Energy focused accelerators.

3/16-3/19 (Yosemite National Park) Yosemite Policymakers Conference
Join mayors, city council members, county supervisors, city managers, and high-level department heads for the 26th Annual Yosemite Policymakers Conference.

4/26-4/27 Green California Summit (Sacramento)
The Summit provides a forum where innovations in policy, technology and practice can be showcased and shared.

5/5/17 (Long Beach) The Business of Local Energy Symposium 2017
Business of Clean Energy Symposium to convening government, business, and community leaders to accelerate California's shift to a clean energy economy and to exchange ideas about Community Choice Energy programs.

That's all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cary Garcia Jr.
Statewide Local Government Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator

CivicSpark is now recruiting Project Partners for 2017-18
Over the past 3 years, CivicSpark, LGC's Governor's Initiative AmeriCorps program has provided 130,000+ hrs of climate and water capacity-building support to over 100 public agencies. If you are a local government, State agency, or an NGO with a climate or water action project need, visit our website to learn more and apply to receive project support!

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

wEEkly update


Here are your wEEkly updates:

SEEC Local Government Roundtable
The Local Government Roundtable is a great opportunity to share best practices and resources, discuss opportunities to overcome challenges, and highlight innovative local efforts. Current topics include Codes & Standards, PACE Financing and Streetlighting. For more information you can reply to this email or cgarcia@lgc.org.

News and Opportunities

City of Lancaster ZNE Ordinance
The City of Lancaster has passed a Zero Net Energy ordinance. New homes in Lancaster will be required to meet energy standards with rooftop solar.

BayREN Codes & Standards Program 2016 Annual Report
This report from the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) provides a detailed summary of the Codes & Standards activities in 2016.

2017 Charge! Program
BAAQMD is pleased to announce the 2017 Charge! Program, an incentive program that offers grant funding to help offset a portion of the cost of purchasing, installing, and operating new publicly available charging stations at qualifying facilities within the Air District’s jurisdiction.

Whole-Building Energy Use Data Access, Benchmarking, and Public Disclosure
AB 802 revises the Public Resources Code to require utilities to provide energy usage data for covered buildings to the owners, owner’s agents, or operators of those buildings upon request, and further requires the Energy Commission to establish a benchmarking and public disclosure program.

California Distributed Energy Future 2017 Mar. 8-9
Greentech Media will be hosting a conference focused on the integration and market for distributed energy resources (DER). The agenda will include policy, grid integration, rate design, and emerging technology.

Webinar: LED Lamp Specification and Certification
The Energy Commission will be hosting a webinar with Q&A for review current LED lighting specification that encourages lighting exceeding current standards.

In 2017, do as California is: Make air cleanup, job one – Part 2
An article from Alan Kandel, that highlights energy efficiency, green buildings and renewables as part of the larger effort to keep our air clean.

Publications and Resources

Blueprint Newsletter
The California Energy Commission's Energy Efficiency Division has a regular newsletter, Blueprint, focused on  Title 24 Building Efficiency Standards and Title 20 Appliance Standards.

Reach Ordinances
When exceeding statewide efficiency standards the California Energy Commission will review the proposed local ordinances. Some cities have already exceeded the 2016 standards that went into effect Jan 1, 2017 with several more pending.

Career Opportunities

Policy Associate, Berkeley/Sacramento
Rising Sun Energy Center is hiring a mission-driven Policy Associate to work towards our goal of being a catalyst for social and environmental systems change by engaging in a transformative policy platform.

Project Manager
The Local Government Commission has an immediate opening for a full-time project manager. They are seeking a mission-driven, detail-oriented person with a background in public affairs, local governance, and/or water policy and management.

Mentoring Program - AWWEE
The Association of Women in Water, Energy and Environment (AWWEE) have launched their new mentoring program. Applications will be accepted through Today Friday, March 3.

SEEC Calendar 
Click the SEEC Calendar link to view all upcoming events.

3/7 Zero Energy Buildings: From Dream to Reality in Public and Private Sectors
This webinar will discuss Zero Energy Buildings across the public and commercial sectors, and highlight DOEs new Zero Energy focused accelerators.

3/16-3/19 (Yosemite National Park) Yosemite Policymakers Conference
Join mayors, city council members, county supervisors, city managers, and high-level department heads for the 26th Annual Yosemite Policymakers Conference.

4/26-4/27 Green California Summit (Sacramento)
The Summit provides a forum where innovations in policy, technology and practice can be showcased and shared.

5/5/17 (Long Beach) The Business of Local Energy Symposium 2017
Business of Clean Energy Symposium to convening government, business, and community leaders to accelerate California's shift to a clean energy economy and to exchange ideas about Community Choice Energy programs.

That's all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cary Garcia Jr.
Statewide Local Government Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator
Funding Wizard | Energy Standards Online Resource Center | Energy Code Ace

CivicSpark is now recruiting Project Partners for 2017-18
Over the past 3 years, CivicSpark, LGC's Governor's Initiative AmeriCorps program has provided 130,000+ hrs of climate and water capacity-building support to over 100 public agencies. If you are a local government, State agency, or an NGO with a climate or water action project need, visit our website to learn more and apply to receive project support!

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

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Peer Request

To complement their work on energy efficiency and sustainability a local government is pursuing virtual net metering projects for their city. The local government is looking for specific details on cost, who paid for the project, payback for tenants, generation going to tenants including $ values, and who is managing allocations. If you can provide a contact or information on this subject please contact me at cgarcia@lgc.org.

Energy Efficiency Research

A UC San Diego graduate student is researching "frontier" energy efficiency policies. They are focused on how cities use existing inspection processes to promote energy efficiency upgrades and deter low-performing or unpermitted improvements. Please contact me at cgarica@lgc.org if you are willing to share your experience for this research project.

News and Opportunities

The ‘New Normal’ in America...
Is sustainable energy the new normal? Julia Pyper, Senior Editor at Greentech Media, reviews the 2017 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook.

Now Pairing With Energy Storage: Smart Thermostats
Ahead of time-of-use utility rates and the advent of residential energy storage options, smart thermostats paired with energy storage present a new opportunity for enhanced customer savings.

LG Input Requested: Energy Impacts of Cannabis Cultivation Workshop
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is holding this workshop February 28th to examine the increase in electricity demand that may be expected from increased cannabis cultivation in California.

RFP: emPower Central Coast "Energy Coach" Program
The emPower Central Coast program of the Energy and Sustainability Division of the County of Santa Barbara requests proposals from qualified professionals to serve by contract as "Energy Coach" primarily for the San Luis Obispo County area. Final Deadline Today February 10.

Publications and Resources

New Buildings Institute ZNE Webinars 
The New Buildings Institute will be hosting two webinars focused on Zero Net Energy (ZNE) buildings. The webinars will focus on planning for districts and urban environments and risk and rewards in the ZNE marketplace.

Career Opportunities

Energy & Climate Program Director, Santa Barbara
The Community Environmental Council is seeking an experienced individual to become their new Energy & Climate Program Director. First round applications will be reviewed on Monday, February 27, 2017.

Programs Manager, Sonoma County
Sonoma Clean Power has an opening for a programs manager as they expand their service into Mendocino County. The programs manager will be responsible for significant portions of program design and implementation. Open until filled.

Project Manager
The Local Government Commission has an immediate opening for a full-time project manager. They are seeking a mission-driven, detail-oriented person with a background in public affairs, local governance, and/or water policy and management.

SEEC Calendar 
Click the Calendar link to view all upcoming events.

2/24 Basic Excel for Energy Auditors
A basic excel class for Energy Auditors focusing on the the fundamentals of Excel.This training will be offered at a very basic level and is not recommended for anyone proficient with advanced Excel functionality, such as macros. Location: San Francisco, CA

3/16-3/19 (Yosemite National Park) Yosemite Policymakers Conference
Join mayors, city council members, county supervisors, city managers, and high-level department heads for the 26th Annual Yosemite Policymakers Conference.

4/26-4/27 Green California Summit (Sacramento)
The Summit provides a forum where innovations in policy, technology and practice can be showcased and shared.

5/5/17 (Long Beach) The Business of Local Energy Symposium 2017
Business of Clean Energy Symposium to convening government, business, and community leaders to accelerate California's shift to a clean energy economy and to exchange ideas about Community Choice Energy programs.

That's all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cary Garcia Jr.
Statewide Local Government Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator
Funding Wizard | Energy Standards Online Resource Center

CivicSpark is now recruiting Project Partners for 2017-18
Over the past 3 years, CivicSpark, LGC's Governor's Initiative AmeriCorps program has provided 130,000+ hrs of climate and water capacity-building support to over 100 public agencies. If you are a local government, State agency, or an NGO with a climate or water action project need, visit our website to learn more and apply to receive project support!

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly updates:

Request for ZNE Resources

The Local Government Commission through SEEC is developing a robust toolkit for local governments on zero net energy. The toolkit aims to compile valuable resources and case studies in a single location in an easy to navigate, interactive online format. If you have come across any ZNE-related resources of particular value, please share it with me at jkim@lgc.org.

News and Opportunities

How Locals Can Continue Momentum on Climate Change
While we face serious questions about the potential effects of changes in legislative and budgetary support for environmental action in California, we can draw inspiration and implementation lessons from local models to continue progress toward a low-carbon and resilient future.

GREEN and EEFA Develop 2017 Priorities for EE, Water, and Renewables
Sixty leaders from housing, energy, environmental, and workforce development organizations gathered in LA and AF to help the California Housing Partnerhip's Green Rental Home EE Network (GREEN), NRDC, and EE for All (EEFA) partners set priorities for 2017.

COP22: Key Outcomes Agreed at the UN Climate Talks in Marrakech
When negotiators from almost 200 countries arrived in Marrakech for the latest annual climate change conference, COP22, it was being touted as an opportunity to showcase progress and start the important process of turning the UN's Paris Agreement into a detailed blueprint for action.
Job Opportunity: Sustainability Coordinator, City of American Canyon
The City of American Canyon is hiring for a Sustainability Coordinator to help with water conservation efforts, citywide sustainability programs, and outreach related to these programs. Applications due December 9, 2016.

Job Opportunity: Senior Program Director, Sierra Business Council
Sierra Business Council (SBC) is hiring for a Senior Program Director to assume the responsibilities of day-to-day leadership and management of SBC's current and future programs as they relate to energy efficiency and climate planning. Position open until filled.
Click the Calendar link to view all upcoming events.

12/7 (Oakland) CA EE Coordinating Committee Meeting
Agenda items include planning for 2017 activities and subcommittee functions, discussion and review of proposals, review of implementation plan development process, and more.

Join the CPUC for the upcoming Quarterly Energy Efficiency EM&V Stakeholder Meeting. Please propose agenda topics to Syreeta Gibbs at syg@cpuc.ca.gov by COB December 7, 2016. Agenda topics proposed so far include: 1) Review of the EM&V Masterplan, 2) CPUC and Program Administrator Update on EM&V Budgets and Activities, and 3) M&V 2.0 case studies presentation.

1/25-1/26 (Sacramento) California Climate Change Symposium 2017
This forum aims to share cutting-edge research addressing the impacts of climate change on the state to inform the state's strategies and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to develop programs to safeguard California from a changing climate.

2/2/17 (St. Louis, MO) New Partners for Smart Growth Conference
Early-bird registration has been extended to December 16th  for the 2017 New Partners for Smart Growth Conference. This conference is the nation's largest smart growth and sustainability event and has been named one of 12 conferences not to miss by Planetizen.

​Resources and Reports

Driving High Performance: Role of Codes & Permitting in Zero Net Energy
Learn how local jurisdictions are getting ahead of upcoming ZNE mandates in California and find out how end users are using streamlined permitting and reach codes to drive high performance.

Volkswagen California ZEV Investment Commitment Workshop Presentation
PowerPoint slides that will be presented at a public workshop today, where interested stakeholder will have the opportunity to provide suggestions for Volkswagen's $800 million 10-year zero emission vehicle investment commitment in California.\

2016 Legislative Update
Legislative update of key climate- and energy-related bills passed in the 2016 legislative session.

And that's all for this week! 

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

! Here are your wEEkly updates:

News and Opportunities

CURRENTS Fall 2016
The newest edition of CURRENTS is now live, featuring a wide range of topics from a look into a Local Government Partnership's less common energy project "gems," to an update on key state climate and energy legislation, and more! If you are interested in sharing best practices, lessons learned, or a success story in the next edition of CURRENTS, please contact me at jkim@lgc.org.

Santa Monica Approves World's First Net Zero Building Requirement
The Santa Monica City Council voted last week to approve an ordinance requiring all new single-family construction in the city to be zero net energy. The ordinance now goes to the California Energy Commission for approval, and continues the city's long history of adopting local requirements, and providing resources to the community, that take a global lead in advancing the transition to high performance, green buildings.

The California Duck Curve Is Real, and Bigger Than Expected
An analysis of CAISO data from 2011 through mid-2016 reveals that California has largely exceeded its 2013 projections for lower net loads and higher ramps in energy demand. These changes are occurring in the wintertime too, another season that's light on air conditioning load. In addition, the deepest drops are happening on weekends, not weekdays.

Obama Administration Announces New Actions to Accelerate the Deployment of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure
For the first time, the United States Department of Transportation is establishing 48 national electric vehicle charging corridors on highways. These newly designated electric vehicle routes cover nearly 25,000 miles in 35 states.

Paris Climate Deal Enters Force as Focus Shifts to Action
Governments have agreed to keep the global temperature rise to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels - and preferably 1.5 degrees. Delegates from almost 200 countries are meeting in Marrakech next week to consider the way ahead beyond Paris.

Green Bonds Are Exploding. But Questions Remain About How the Money Is Being Used
There were about $42 billion in green bonds sold in 2015, but nearly $50 billion sold in the first seven months of 2016, according to a new report from EY. Many of the bonds are over-subscribed and largely unregulated, however, creating a market prime for "greenwashing," warns EY.

11/7 (webinar) Title 24: Where We're Headed with the 2016 Nonresidential and Residential Standards
This two-part webinar series, both taught by Martyn Dodd, will provide an overview of the new and revised requirements and share key resources and training opportunities for building department staff, engineers, contractors, energy consultants, and more. As we move closer to zero net energy, the 2016 Title 24 Building Energy Standards will be approximately 5% more stringent for nonresidential buildings, and 30% more stringent for residential buildings.

11/8 (webinar) Targeted Process Evaluation of the LGP Program
This webinar is to discuss the study background and goals, methods, and findings paired with conclusions and recommendations.

11/10 (webinar) Do You Hear Me Now? Communicating the Value of Non-Energy Benefits
Join DOE Better Buildings for a peer exchange call to discuss the most effective ways to communicate the full spectrum of non-energy benefits.

11/15 (webinar) Driving High Performance: Role of Codes & Permitting in Zero Net Energy
The Center for Sustainable Energy invites city and county staff, governmental officials, architects, building owners and developers, and contractors to a free webinar on the role of codes and permitting in reaching zero net energy building goals.

​Resources and Reports

SEEC 2016 Climate and Energy Legislative Update
This legislative update provides a brief summary of key climate and energy bills passed in the 2016 legislative session.

UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2016 (PDF download)
Since 2010, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has produced annual Emissions Gap Reports based on requested by countries for an independent scientific assessment of how actions and pledges by countries affect the global greenhouse gas emissions trend, and how this compares to emissions trajectories consistent with the long-term goal of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Here is also an article from Climate Central that summarizes the report's key findings.

Peer Diffusion: A Promising Way for Service Providers to Unlock Investments in Home Energy Upgrades
This new report from Rocky Mountain Institute explores the key elements of a robust peer diffusion strategy based on practical, real-world examples that energy service providers and program administrators can use to promote dialogue around whole-home performance.

Before the Flood (video)
New climate change documentary - Leonardo DiCaprio travels the world speaking to scientists and world leaders about the dramatic effects of climate change.

And that's all for this week!

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly Updates:

News and Opportunities

Local Governments Push for Strong Reach Codes
The City of San Mateo and the Town of Portola Valley are both working on adopting reach codes that go beyond the State's CALGreen requirements to help them achieve their climate action goals.

Broad Coalition Backs Enhancements to Energy-Saving Program
A diverse coalition of 19 groups is supporting a proposal to significantly enhance California's Energy Savings Assistance Program, to provide more energy efficiency opportunities for low-income households - especially underserved residents of multi-family housing.

OPR Survey: Streamlined Solar Permitting Ordinance 2016
The Governor's Office of Planning and Research requests information from local jurisdictions on their progress with implementation of AB 2188, the Expedited Solar Permitting Act, Government Code Section 65850.5(g). In addition, CALSEIA and Center for Sustainable Energy are offering technical assistance to help jurisdictions implement streamlined solar permitting processes. Survey closes November 18, 2016.

Energy Globe Award
The Energy Globe Award is presented annually to outstanding and sustainable projects in the area of environment energy (e.g., resource conservation, improvement of air and water quality, energy efficiency, use of renewable energies, and recycling). Awards are presented at the national level and on the international level in 6 categories: Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Youth and Sustainable Projects. Deadline for submissions is November 18, 2016.

Job Opportunity: Senior Project Manager, SBCCOG
The South Bay Cities Council of Governments is hiring for a senior project manager for their energy efficiency and environmental programs. This senior level position is responsible for the development of strategies, standards, and processes for implementation of programs, activities, and events related to the environment, water, energy, and transportation; engages with partners and program customers; and has knowledge of basic employee performance management standards and practices.

10/25 (webinar) Meeting Climate Change Goals with Energy Efficiency: Cities and the Clean Power Plan
This webinar will discuss how cities can use energy efficiency to meet climate goals and potentially secure new funding streams to pay for projects and programs. Presenters will provide an overview of opportunities under the Clean Power Plan and drill down into the early credit program benefitting low-income communities, the Clean Energy Incentive Program.

10/27 (webinar) LGP + REN EM&V Roadmaps Update
This discussion will be facilitated by Jeremy Battis of Energy Division and will present for public comment proposed changes to the LG sector roadmaps that come out of an engagement exercise with the unified LGP-REN-CCA PCG at its Oct. 11 meeting.​

11/15 (Sacramento) Street Lights: Illuminating Implementation and Equity in Complete Streets
This day-long conference will be a chance for transportation planners and engineers, community, equity, and health advocates, local officials, and Complete Streets practitioners to share ideas, brainstorm solutions, and celebrate the success of the Complete STreets movement nationwide together.

11/16 (Berkeley) ZNE for Local Governments Workshop, BayREN Fall Forum
This six-hour workshop will supplor local governments working to integrate state goals to achieve zero net energy (ZNE) buildings. Learn about case studies on ZNE buildings, new programs and tools to support local government ZNE policy and plan development, as well as new research and emerging trends.

​Resources and Reports

A Roadmap for Clean Power Plan Compliance: State Development and Consideration of Energy Efficiency
​This paper examines two state that have committed to planning for CPP compliance on an accelerated timetable: Minnesota and Pennsylvania. The paper compares and contrasts efforts in these states in order to identify best practices and lessons learned that can be applied in other states as they juggle the multiple responsibilities of air, energy, and utility regulators to achieve their pollution-reduction goals.

Behavior Change Programs: Status and Impact
This report aims to help program administrators choose effective behavior chage programs for their specific purposes. The report focuses on behavior change programs that primarily rely on social-science-based strategies instead of traditional approaches such as incentives, rebates, pricing, or legal and policy strategies.

How Investing in Energy Efficiency Changed the US Power Sector and Gave Us a Tool to Tackle Climate Change
Energy efficiency has become the nation's third-largest elecrricity resource, lowering harmful pollution, creating US jobs, reducing energy burdens for those most in need, and strengthening community resilience. With increased support it could become the largest and one of the world's core strategies to tackle climate change.

ZNE Building Design and Performance Verification Methodologies
​This study develops drat verification methodoligies for ZNE buildings in California to address how gross energy savings at the unit level (ZNE building) are to be verified at the design stage as well as once the building is constructed and under operation.

Want to share a news item, an event, or a resource through the wEEkly updates? Please send a blurb and a link to me at jkim@lgc.org for consideration.

​And that's all for this week! Have a great weekend!​

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly updates:

Peer-to-Peer Requests

Opportunities to Offset Operational Costs
A rural, low-income community on the Central Coast is interested in learning about opportunities, strategies, and resources to help offset operational costs for water and wastewater. If you have any information or resources you can share, please send them my way. If you are willing to provided one-on-one guidance around pump upgrades, optimization of control systems, and other strategies, please let me know.

News and Opportunities

The World Passes 400 PPM Threshold. Permanently.
At a time when atmospheric carbon dioxide is usually at its minimum, the monthly value failed to drop below 400 parts per million. That all but ensures that 2016 will be the year that carbon dioxide officially passed the symbolic 400 ppm mark, never to return below it in our lifetimes, according to scientists.

Governor Brown Signs Bill to Strengthen PACE Protections
AB 2693 mandates the loan administrator "accurately identifies important consumer issues with the program and prescribes on-point solutions that preserve PACE's unique structure and benefits, while improving consumer disclosures and safeguards." 

California Golden Again on Energy Efficiency
California and Massachusetts both won the top spot in the 10th edition of the 2016 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard published by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Check out California's State Scorecard.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles Have Become Top Carbon Polluters
Transportation is likely to surpass the electricity sector in 2016 as the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States, according to a new analysis of government data.

Driving Energy Efficiency by Improving the Owner/Tenant Relationship
The owner/tenant relationship is not always an easy one, but with good communications and a sharing of common goals, it can be a beneficial one. This article discusses a number of strategies to improve this relationship. Also, take a look at Energy Star's 8 Great Strategies to Engage Tenants on Energy Efficiency.

Job Opportunities: The Energy Coalition
The Energy Coalition, a nonprofit working to create an abundant and healthy world by inspiring others to take responsible environmental actions, has multiple project coordinator openings in San Diego and Irvine. Job announcements attached.

Janea A. Scott, the Lead Commissioner for Transportation of the California Energy Commission, will conduct a workshop to discuss and seek comments from interested parties regarding the inclusion of transportation electrification in integrated resource planning of California's publicly owned electric utilities as required by SB 350.

CPUC Decision 16-06-008 requires the utilities to hold working group meetings with stakeholders and Energy Division to "develop a consensus proposal to streamline and simplify the direct participation nrollment process, including adding more automation, mitigating enrollment fatigue, and resolving any remaining electronic signature issues."

10/12 - 10/14 (Denver) Getting to Zero National Forum
This forum, dedicated to zero net energy (ZNE) buildings, will provide opportunities for attendees to share perspectives on the growth of ZNE, discuss the policies driving new projects, engage in best practices for successful outcomes, and collaborate on opportunities for ZNE to transform the built environment.

Resources and Reports

A Clean Energy Action Plan for the United States
This report from the Center for American Progress proposes policy recommendations that promote the three elements of decarbonization - energy efficiency, low-carbon electricity generation, and the electrification of end uses - and that address their integration, financing, and implementation at the federal level.

California Energy Commission: Tracking Progress
Sector-specific summaries of California's progress toward a cleaner energy future, with links to additional resources. Includes energy efficiency, statewide energy demand, renewable energy, electric vehicles, installed electric capacity and generation, reliance on coal, transmission expansion, combined heat and power, resource flexibility, once-through cooling, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and the California Clean Energy Jobs Act: Proposition 39.

Cool Roofs Brochure
A brochure that explains cool roofs, its benefits, requirements, and more.

Coordinator Resources
Browse the Coordinator website for more resources on a variety of energy efficiency related topics.

That is all for this week!