Before the Flood

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

! Here are your wEEkly updates:

News and Opportunities

CURRENTS Fall 2016
The newest edition of CURRENTS is now live, featuring a wide range of topics from a look into a Local Government Partnership's less common energy project "gems," to an update on key state climate and energy legislation, and more! If you are interested in sharing best practices, lessons learned, or a success story in the next edition of CURRENTS, please contact me at

Santa Monica Approves World's First Net Zero Building Requirement
The Santa Monica City Council voted last week to approve an ordinance requiring all new single-family construction in the city to be zero net energy. The ordinance now goes to the California Energy Commission for approval, and continues the city's long history of adopting local requirements, and providing resources to the community, that take a global lead in advancing the transition to high performance, green buildings.

The California Duck Curve Is Real, and Bigger Than Expected
An analysis of CAISO data from 2011 through mid-2016 reveals that California has largely exceeded its 2013 projections for lower net loads and higher ramps in energy demand. These changes are occurring in the wintertime too, another season that's light on air conditioning load. In addition, the deepest drops are happening on weekends, not weekdays.

Obama Administration Announces New Actions to Accelerate the Deployment of Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure
For the first time, the United States Department of Transportation is establishing 48 national electric vehicle charging corridors on highways. These newly designated electric vehicle routes cover nearly 25,000 miles in 35 states.

Paris Climate Deal Enters Force as Focus Shifts to Action
Governments have agreed to keep the global temperature rise to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels - and preferably 1.5 degrees. Delegates from almost 200 countries are meeting in Marrakech next week to consider the way ahead beyond Paris.

Green Bonds Are Exploding. But Questions Remain About How the Money Is Being Used
There were about $42 billion in green bonds sold in 2015, but nearly $50 billion sold in the first seven months of 2016, according to a new report from EY. Many of the bonds are over-subscribed and largely unregulated, however, creating a market prime for "greenwashing," warns EY.

11/7 (webinar) Title 24: Where We're Headed with the 2016 Nonresidential and Residential Standards
This two-part webinar series, both taught by Martyn Dodd, will provide an overview of the new and revised requirements and share key resources and training opportunities for building department staff, engineers, contractors, energy consultants, and more. As we move closer to zero net energy, the 2016 Title 24 Building Energy Standards will be approximately 5% more stringent for nonresidential buildings, and 30% more stringent for residential buildings.

11/8 (webinar) Targeted Process Evaluation of the LGP Program
This webinar is to discuss the study background and goals, methods, and findings paired with conclusions and recommendations.

11/10 (webinar) Do You Hear Me Now? Communicating the Value of Non-Energy Benefits
Join DOE Better Buildings for a peer exchange call to discuss the most effective ways to communicate the full spectrum of non-energy benefits.

11/15 (webinar) Driving High Performance: Role of Codes & Permitting in Zero Net Energy
The Center for Sustainable Energy invites city and county staff, governmental officials, architects, building owners and developers, and contractors to a free webinar on the role of codes and permitting in reaching zero net energy building goals.

​Resources and Reports

SEEC 2016 Climate and Energy Legislative Update
This legislative update provides a brief summary of key climate and energy bills passed in the 2016 legislative session.

UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2016 (PDF download)
Since 2010, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has produced annual Emissions Gap Reports based on requested by countries for an independent scientific assessment of how actions and pledges by countries affect the global greenhouse gas emissions trend, and how this compares to emissions trajectories consistent with the long-term goal of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Here is also an article from Climate Central that summarizes the report's key findings.

Peer Diffusion: A Promising Way for Service Providers to Unlock Investments in Home Energy Upgrades
This new report from Rocky Mountain Institute explores the key elements of a robust peer diffusion strategy based on practical, real-world examples that energy service providers and program administrators can use to promote dialogue around whole-home performance.

Before the Flood (video)
New climate change documentary - Leonardo DiCaprio travels the world speaking to scientists and world leaders about the dramatic effects of climate change.

And that's all for this week!