Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly updates:

1. EECC Stage 2 Update: Stage 2 Subcommittee meetings of the EE Coordinating Committee are underway, offering stakeholders a great and unprecedented chance to hear and get involved in the funds and offerings of future energy efficiency programs. The Public Sector Subcommittee Meeting will be held this Monday, May 2nd , and can be attended in San Diego, San Francisco, or by WebEx. Workforce Education and Training, Codes and Standards, Emerging Technologies, and Industrial Subcommittee Stage 2 meetings are all being held this week as well. Commercial and residential Stage 2 meetings were held earlier this week. This process is moving very quickly and will wrap up in a few months, and stakeholder feedback is critical – if you have any questions on how to get involved visit or contact me at any time.

2. Millions of $ in Federal Funding: click here to review the U.S. EPA’s local government newsletter, sharing $889M available for local government and tribal energy efficiency and sustainability. ($500M closes today – TIGER applicants, don’t forget to submit!)

3. Post Earth Day Climate Action Updates: Earth Day resulted in the signing of Paris Agreement by more than 150 countries – learn more about national and local government action, and hear from global businesses that are on board with limiting carbon emissions (and how they’ll play a role for the next Conference of Parties meeting this November).

4. On Climate and Business: An article from GreenBiz covers how businesses can (and are motivated to) support local government action on climate change

5. Two EE Baselines Updates: The CPUC released a staff white paper last week, primarily in response to the AB 802’s requirement that energy efficiency programs provide incentives based on metered energy savings. Yesterday, a correction to the white paper was released, resulting in the extension of the deadline for comments.

6. Monday Clarification Call: The CPUC also announced that a conference call for clarifications will be held May 2nd.

7. Successes and Challenges in National Local Government EE: In honor of Earth Day last Friday, the ICMA has shared some key findings from their national 2015 Local Government Sustainability Practices Survey – including the two top motivating factors in local government rollout of sustainability.

8. Lowering the Energy Burden and Achieving EE in Low-Income: There’s been lots of news lately highlighting the opportunity (and the need) for pairing energy efficiency investments with low-income and underserved communities. Read the latest on program best practices from ACEEE and EDF, and see resources offered in California, here. Information on an energy burden report shared last week featuring urban areas across the nation (including 5 California cities) can be found here.

9. On-site Title 24 trainings: Trainings on the upcoming energy code are being held at no-cost at various sites in SCE territory. Click here for more information. For more on training opportunities click here.

10. Are companies responding to the market for green purchasing? Many local governments are adopting green or sustainable purchasing policies, and may be interested in a first ever impact report on sustainability in global consumer goods supply chains has been developed by The Sustainability Consortium.

11. More on green purchasing: Hear from Environmental Leader on opportunities for green purchasing in green cleaning.

12. Residential EE Opportunity Graphic: For a nice graphic to inform the community on typical home energy use and energy efficiency opportunities from HomeSelfe, click here.

13. SoCal Gas HOPPs Call: SoCal Gas has shared an opportunity to join a planning call May 5th for multifamily program offerings under the new High Opportunity Program or Projects (HOPPs). (Click here for language and the CPUC ruling on HOPPs.)

14. New National Energy Bill: Take a look at the latest (and opinions on both sides) on the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2016.

15. Can’t “See” the Value of Demand Response? For data geeks, or maybe just for those that want a great visual of aggregated energy use load curves (812,000 of them) to visualize the power of demand response, click here.

16. EE RTU Action: Rooftop units (RTUs) can consume a tremendous amount of energy, and are therefore a great place to look for savings – through more efficient compressors, controls, and more. The U.S. Dept. of Energy is recognizing six companies for their retrofits and investments in high-efficiency RTUs and RTU management. Learn how they are achieving savings here.

17. Building EE Opportunities for Efficient Cities: Click here to review MIT analysis findings on how building energy efficiency can make cities more efficient.

18. Energy Management System Pilots: nine companies are joining the North American Energy Management Pilot Program. Energy Management Systems (EMS) are a powerful way to integrate energy management into existing building management systems – learn more from the U.S. DOE here.

19. Why Energy Management Systems: Looking for ways to gain support for investment in an energy management system? Take a look at these tips from EnerNoc.

20. Scoring Solar Performance: Considering solar photovoltaic (PV) investments? DNV GL has a new solar PV scorecard report you may want to review. Click here for more.

21. EV Best Practices: For those engaged in EV planning, the CEC held a workshop earlier this week to hear updates and best practices from electric vehicle project and program leads. Presentations and background are available here.

As always, you can keep track of relevant events by connecting to the EE Events Calendar, and find more resources being added daily on the EECoordinator website.

That is all for this week!

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly updates:
1. AB 802 Implementation Development Workshop: For those involved watching for guidance on benchmarking, energy use disclosure, and energy savings measurements under AB 802 passed last fall, the California Energy Commission (CEC) has announced a public workshop on March 25th at 9:00am to review and seek input on the initial proposal for implementation of Assembly Bill 802’s building energy use data and public disclosure provisions. The workshop will be in held Sacramento and by WebEx. For more information, and how to participate, click here.
For a refresher on the significance of AB 802, click here (second item down the page).

2. EE Financing Program Criteria and Evaluation: For those interested in financing options, and evaluation of those options, the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA) has issued a Notice of Public Workshop for the third in a series of educational workshops on criteria for a comparative assessment of energy efficiency financing programs in California. The workshop will be held on March 29th from 9:30 AM-12:00 PM; for more information, click here.
3. The Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC) will hold its quarterly meeting in San Francisco and by WebEx on March 25th at 1:00pm. The meeting will cover a number of items that may be of interest to local governments - including addition of a second local government representative to the Committee, consistency in energy data, the impacts of aggregation of energy data on climate action planning. For the agenda, and how to participate, click here. (Note an RSVP by March 22nd is requested.)
4. The EECC Public Sector Subcommittee met this Wednesday to review analysis by utilities and other Program Administrators that will be used for development of EE programming plans for the next five years. A recap of items discussed, and links to presentations shared, are available here.
5. Energy Code Training Opportunities: Looking for resources to get up to speed on Title 24 energy code? Free trainings for building inspectors, plan examiners, contractors, and energy consultants are available through Energy Code Ace, funded through the California Codes and Standards Program – which has to-date trained over 3,500 local government and building professionals. Energy Code Ace has upcoming trainings online and in San Bernardino, Rancho Santa Margarita, Santa Barbara, San Diego, San Francisco, and more. These are a great resource to connect building department leads to. For Energy Code Ace’s full current training schedule, click here.
6. Representing the many values of EE: ACEEE released a series of fact sheets this week that contain stories on how energy efficiency improvements have had positive impacts on family disposable income, economic development, environment, and health. These powerful stories are a great resource to help share the many values of energy efficiency.
7. Clean Power Plan and EE: ACEEE has also introduced a new webinar series on energy efficiency and the U.S. Clean Power Plan, sharing best practices in EE program and policy design. For information on the first webinar on March 24th, click here. (Or take a look at our EE Events Calendar)
8. Funding for data-driven EE planning: The U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE)’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) has released a Notice of Intent for a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to solicit applications to advance data-driven decision-making by local governments in support of their climate and energy goals. For more information, click here.
9. New tool to promote green building: A new online tool to connect building professionals to green procurement and green building techniques is available through the American Chemistry Council’s This Environmental Leader article covers more on its development.
10. RPS Guidebook Changes: If Renewable Portfolio Standards eligibility affects your energy planning: the CEC is holding workshops to hear stakeholder feedback on changes to the RPS Eligibility Guidebook. More on this available here.
11. Job announcement: the County of Orange is hiring for a Central Utility Facility Plant Manager! Click here for more information and to apply.
12. And finally: congratulations to the Western Riverside Council of Governments, San Bernardino Associated Governments, and the County of Los Angeles, for receiving the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2016 Climate Leadership Award! For more information on their accomplishments and best practices using the Home Energy Renovation Opportunity (HERO) Program, click here.
As always, you can keep track of relevant events by connecting to the EE Events Calendar, and find more resources being added daily on the EECoordinator website

That’s all for today!