
Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly updates:

News and Opportunities

CURRENTS Fall 2016
If you haven't already done so, be sure to check out our newest edition of CURRENTS featuring a wide range of topics from a look into a Local Government Partnership's less common energy project "gems," to an update on key state climate and energy legislation, and more! If you are interested in sharing best practices, lessons learned, or a success story in the next edition of CURRENTS, please contact me at jkim@lgc.org.

California Regulators Dedicate $80 Million to Empower Affordable Housing Owners to Play a Key Role in Meeting the State's EE Goals

On November 10th, the CPUC issued a decision that dedicates $80 million to empower government and non-profit owners of rent-restricted affordable housing to participate in Energy Saving Assistance (ESA) programs for low-income households. The decision updates the ESA program to support whole-building energy efficiency planning and improvements for affordable housing.

Joint Statement from California Legislative Leaders on Result of Presidential Election
California Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León and California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon released a statement on the results of the President election.

What Do the 2016 Election Results Mean for Energy Efficiency?
Steven Nadel, executive director of ACEEE, considers the impact of the 2016 election results and its impact on energy efficiency policy.

Job Opportunity: City of Cupertino
The City of Cupertino is currently recruiting for a Limited-Term Sustainability Program Coordinator. Under the direction of the Sustainability Manager, this position will assist to plan, organize and coordinate the implementation and reporting measures and policis defined within the City's Climate Action Plan and General Plan Sustainability Element. Applications due November 29, 2016.

The Center for Sustainable Energy invites city and county staff, governmental officials, architects, building owners and developers, and contractors to a free webinar on the role of codes and permitting in reaching zero net energy building goals.

11/16 (Sacramento / remote) Workshop on SB 350 and AB 802
The California Energy Commission is conducting a workshop to discuss and seek comments from interested parties regarding energy data collection to support the implementation of SB 350, AB 802, and improved California energy analytics

11/17 (webinar) Catalizing Energy Efficiency: City Governments and Energy Efficiency Implementers
Participants will hear from efficiency program implementers who have capitalized on city benchmarking data to build and refine programs that better engage owners and managers to implement cost-effective efficiency actions in multifamily properties.

11/17 (webinar) Diversifying Funding Sources and Building New Revenue Streams
This peer exchange call hosted by DOE Better Buildings will discuss different types of revenue streams available for energy efficiency programs.

11/17 (webinar) Current Practices in Efficiency Financing: An Overview for State and Local Governments
This webinar will help state and local government officials, and othes understand how to assess the value of different financing products for promoting energy efficiency; the fundamentals and trade offs of financing products used to fund energy efficiency; how financing products work to overcome market barriers in different sectors; financing product features and relative merits; and market activity and size of the efficiency financing market.

​Resources and Reports

Catalyzing Efficiency: Unlocking Energy Information and Value in Apartment Buildings
Increasing the energy efficiency of America's multifamily buildings could save building owners and managers, residents, governments, energy efficiency service providers, and financiers close to $3.4 billion in annual savings. Recognizing this, this report from IMT explores how governments and energy efficiency implementers could help these stakeholders better analyze and act upon building performance data to unlock these savings.

Green Cities California CCE Program Final Report
This report updates the success of advancing Community Choice Energy programs in Alameda and Contra Costa counties

Learn Why Packaging LED & Advance Rooftop-Units Together Lead to Maximum Performance
In this white paper, Transformative Wave explores a packaged LED and Advanced Rooftop-Unit1 Control (ARC) retrofit in detail - summarizing what an ARC retrofit is and how ARCs can improve the performance and resize energy savings from an LED retrofit.

And that's all for this week!

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly Updates:

1. Call for climate adaptation proposals: The call for session proposals for this year’s California Adaptation Forum has been extended! The Adaptation Forum will take place in Long Beach, CA September 7th-8th. Learn more here.

2. Valuing EE in buildings: I’ve been hearing from a number of local governments about the importance of solid statistics on the financial value of energy efficiency for buildings leads, contractors, realtors, and residents to make efficiency decisions that can transform the market. A new study published in the Journal of Structured Finance analyzes California homes and shares some great statistics on resell values of homes with PACE projects: read the results, and connect to more resources on valuing EE, here.

3. AB 802 Comment Period Extended: Related to energy disclosure and valuing EE, the CEC has extended the comment period on their proposed implementation of AB 802 benchmarking and energy disclosure requirements to April 15th. A transcript of the March 25th meeting covering their proposal and public comments has also been added to their website for review. For more, click here.

4. EE technology best practices: the U.S. Department of Energy's 2015 Quadrennial Technology Review has been released, and contains a wealth of best practices information in deploying technologies for energy efficiency (and other benefits). Click here to review in full, or here to connect to the chapter on Advanced Building Technologies.

5. Funding for Healthy Cities: More than $1.5 million is available to small/medium cities, counties and tribes: click here for more information. For more EE, energy and sustainability-related funding opportunities, click here.

6. Valuing cap and trade implementation for low-income Californians: A new study from UCLA has analyzed the value of cap and trade programming and compliance costs for low-income Californians, and found positive results. Click here for more.

7. Upcoming webinars from USEPA, USDOE, and more: click here to review more than 10 webinars coming up this month offering support on EPA Portfolio Manager, serving low-income communities, navigating DOE's new weatherization center, and renewables integration in California.

8. Building code training opportunities added: Looking for more Title 24 training opportunities? No-cost trainings for building inspectors, plan examiners, consultants, and more are available from Energy Code Ace. Click here to see their training schedule or to request a training. The CEC will also be offering building code trainings through local ICC Chapters – click here for more information.

9. Energy storage financing: More and more local governments are incorporating energy storage into their energy and resiliency planning. An event covering the status of energy storage, and how to implement using financing, will be held by the Clean Energy Advisory Financing Council (CEFAC) in San Francisco and by webinar April 12th. For more information, click here.

10. EE, sustainability and economic growth: click here for 5 signs that sustainability is the new engine for global economic growth. For more on EE supporting economic growth, check out these short videos from the Construction Climate Talks and testimonials from businesses using EPA ENERGY STAR.

11. Several job announcements today: the City of San Diego is hiring for an Energy Program Coordinator! Learn more here.

12. Job announcement: Marin Clean Energy is hiring for a Customer Programs Specialist and a Law Clerk (Intern). Learn more here.

13. Job announcement: the Port of San Diego is hiring for a Senior Environmental Specialist. Click here for more information.

14. Leverage CivicSpark this coming year: And, a reminder that for local governments looking for capacity for energy efficiency and sustainability, now is the time to propose a project for a CivicSpark AmeriCorps fellow for the coming year! Learn more here.

As always, you can keep track of relevant events by connecting to the EE Events Calendar, and find more resources being added daily on the EECoordinator website

That’s all for this week!

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly updates:
1. AB 802 Implementation Development Workshop: For those involved watching for guidance on benchmarking, energy use disclosure, and energy savings measurements under AB 802 passed last fall, the California Energy Commission (CEC) has announced a public workshop on March 25th at 9:00am to review and seek input on the initial proposal for implementation of Assembly Bill 802’s building energy use data and public disclosure provisions. The workshop will be in held Sacramento and by WebEx. For more information, and how to participate, click here.
For a refresher on the significance of AB 802, click here (second item down the page).

2. EE Financing Program Criteria and Evaluation: For those interested in financing options, and evaluation of those options, the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA) has issued a Notice of Public Workshop for the third in a series of educational workshops on criteria for a comparative assessment of energy efficiency financing programs in California. The workshop will be held on March 29th from 9:30 AM-12:00 PM; for more information, click here.
3. The Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC) will hold its quarterly meeting in San Francisco and by WebEx on March 25th at 1:00pm. The meeting will cover a number of items that may be of interest to local governments - including addition of a second local government representative to the Committee, consistency in energy data, the impacts of aggregation of energy data on climate action planning. For the agenda, and how to participate, click here. (Note an RSVP by March 22nd is requested.)
4. The EECC Public Sector Subcommittee met this Wednesday to review analysis by utilities and other Program Administrators that will be used for development of EE programming plans for the next five years. A recap of items discussed, and links to presentations shared, are available here.
5. Energy Code Training Opportunities: Looking for resources to get up to speed on Title 24 energy code? Free trainings for building inspectors, plan examiners, contractors, and energy consultants are available through Energy Code Ace, funded through the California Codes and Standards Program – which has to-date trained over 3,500 local government and building professionals. Energy Code Ace has upcoming trainings online and in San Bernardino, Rancho Santa Margarita, Santa Barbara, San Diego, San Francisco, and more. These are a great resource to connect building department leads to. For Energy Code Ace’s full current training schedule, click here.
6. Representing the many values of EE: ACEEE released a series of fact sheets this week that contain stories on how energy efficiency improvements have had positive impacts on family disposable income, economic development, environment, and health. These powerful stories are a great resource to help share the many values of energy efficiency.
7. Clean Power Plan and EE: ACEEE has also introduced a new webinar series on energy efficiency and the U.S. Clean Power Plan, sharing best practices in EE program and policy design. For information on the first webinar on March 24th, click here. (Or take a look at our EE Events Calendar)
8. Funding for data-driven EE planning: The U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE)’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) has released a Notice of Intent for a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to solicit applications to advance data-driven decision-making by local governments in support of their climate and energy goals. For more information, click here.
9. New tool to promote green building: A new online tool to connect building professionals to green procurement and green building techniques is available through the American Chemistry Council’s www.BuildingWithChemistry.org. This Environmental Leader article covers more on its development.
10. RPS Guidebook Changes: If Renewable Portfolio Standards eligibility affects your energy planning: the CEC is holding workshops to hear stakeholder feedback on changes to the RPS Eligibility Guidebook. More on this available here.
11. Job announcement: the County of Orange is hiring for a Central Utility Facility Plant Manager! Click here for more information and to apply.
12. And finally: congratulations to the Western Riverside Council of Governments, San Bernardino Associated Governments, and the County of Los Angeles, for receiving the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2016 Climate Leadership Award! For more information on their accomplishments and best practices using the Home Energy Renovation Opportunity (HERO) Program, click here.
As always, you can keep track of relevant events by connecting to the EE Events Calendar, and find more resources being added daily on the EECoordinator website

That’s all for today!

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are our WEEkly Updates:
  1. SB 350 and AB 802: Impacts and Implications for Local Governments (video)
    In case you missed the webinar last week with CEC Commissioners Hochschild and McAllister, here is the webinar recording.
  2. How Smart Meters are Changing Energy Efficiency in California
    New advanced metering infrastructure that can measure customer load with increased granularity has created opportunities for variable rate structures, effective demand response and increased customer control over their energy use. And now, with the ability to compare real-time usage to historical baselines, the industry can begin to more accurately value "efficiency as energy," and PG&E is working with NRDC and The Utility Reform Network to develop a pilot program that will do just that.
  3. U.S. Energy Storage Summit: The Energy Storage Future (video)
    This GTM Research presentation will share results from the most recent U.S. Energy Storage Monitor report and provide the platform for the summit's discussions on the future of the U.S. energy storage market.
  4. How Energy Efficiency Cuts Costs for a 2°C Future
    This report analyzes how energy efficiency policies and programs in Brazil, China, Europe, India, Mexico and the US can reduce the cost of economy-wide decarbonization y up to $250 billion per year for these regions, with no net cost to society through 2030. Related articles from this week: Why energy efficiency is the cheapest path to climate action and Energy efficiency is the largest contributor to reducing CO2 emissions.
  5. 5 Trends that Will Disrupt Energy Management in 2016
    BluePillar's new eBook, Facility of the Future Series: 5 Trends that Will Disrupt Energy Management in 2016, discusses the 5 trends that will disrupt energy management in 2016 and how you can take control of your facility's energy future.
  6. California and Germany, Opposites with a Common Energy Goal
    One is a European country known as "the powerhouse of Europe" that struggles against soggy winters and seemingly endless gray skies. The other is a digitally driven American state, known as "the Golden State," for its abundant sunshine and year-round growing season. One is determined to lead an energy transformation through carefully drafted laws and regulations; the other is driven by an inventive spirit of boundary-pushing and experimentation.
  7. 12/14 - Leveraging Benchmarking to Build Your Business
    This full-day workshop is targeted for businesses to learn strategies for generating leads; how to price benchmarking-related offerings; how to cross-sell and up-sell your other offerings; how to demonstrate the value of efficiency in terms that clients understand and value; and how to motivate the various stakeholders to act on energy efficiency measures.
  8. Energy Calendar
    If you have any events you would like to see added to this calendar, please send details to statewideenergycoordinator@lgc.org.

And that is all for this week!

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

1.    UCLA Launches the LA Energy Atlas
The Atlas features an interactive map that displays energy consumption across LA County by COG, City, and Neighborhood, strategies for energy conservation strategies and a range of state and local energy efficiency policies, incentives, and goals, and more!
2.    DOE and White House Office of Science and Technology Released Second Quadrennial Technology Review
The Review examines the most promising research, development, demonstration and deployment opportunities across energy technologies that can affect the future of energy efficiency. The review presents 4 trends: convergence (all sectors of economy becoming increasingly interdependent); diversification (state and local energy planning shifting energy sectors to diversified, distributed resources); confluence (computing power and simulation ushering a new era of "systems by design"); and efficiency everywhere (energy efficiency as a critical element in achieving energy security, cost, and environmental goals).
3.    Job Opportunity: Statewide Local Government Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator
The Coordinator facilitates a statewide focus both in gathering exemplary policies and practices, and tracking progress on a statewide level on government facility and community energy use, retrofits, and strategic plan metrics. Please contact Julia Kim at jkim@lgc.org if you have any questions and we would appreciate your support in spreading this announcement through your networks!
4.    AB 802: Measuring Savings at the Meter
On the Governor's desk ready to sign, AB 802 (Williams) allows utilities to provide incentives to customers who improve their buildings up to the current building code and beyond. It also allows building owners and tenants to determine the most effective efficiency and renewable energy improvements through improved tracking and benchmarking of energy use.
5.    Energy Calendar
If you have any energy-related events you would like added to the calendar, please send details to statewideenergycoordinator@lgc.org.

And that is all for this week!