What Has SJVCEO Been up to in October

Now that the little ghouls and goblins have had their fun in October we move more into winter and gain back an hour...YAY! We hope that you are preparing your home for those chilly days that are ahead of us now. As SJVCEO begins to wrap up its work for the year we happy to say we have had much success in all aspects of our work in 2016 and are now eyeing goals for 2017.

With the VIEW Partnership we have working hard on wrapping up items related to SoCal Edison Energy Leader Partnership tier movement. Many of our partners, three to be exact, are right on the cusp of moving up one tier level. The items in progress to hit the next tier level are initiating an energy action plan. Our staff has been hard at work shaping these guiding documents for our partners and now they are in the final stretch of approval. We are very excited to see how city/county councils take to these items and hope to share good news by the end of the year. Outside of EAP's the partnership wrapped up its Energy Awareness Month activities the last week of October. In all, the partnership participated in four outreach events. Partnering with our city/counties on these events we are able to bring energy efficiency information as well as community services out to residents. During the events we are happy to hear from residents how much these events mean to them. For 2017 we will continue our outreach efforts and may look into spring events.

Our HDR Partnership just finished its first complete year with SJVCEO as implementer. We are very thankful to have such engaged energy champions as well as amazing support from SoCal Edison. We cannot wait to see how the partnership will continue to grow in the years to come. One exciting piece of news that the partnership has for October is the City of Hesperia has initiated its energy action plan and has been awarded silver level within the ELP tier model. Our staff along with city staff have been hard at work on this guiding document and we cannot be more excited to see the city council accept it.

Finally for the Municipal Energy Tune-Up we are beginning to gain steam with our new project analyst on board. She has been hard at work since day one and is now beginning to benchmark the City of Taft. We cannot wait to update you on projects in the coming months. Also, the METU program will also be launching its website and brand new logo in the coming months so keep your eyes peeled.

That is all for this month! 

What Has SJVCEO Been Up To in May

First off we hope that everyone had a safe and wonderful Memorial Day. The SJVCEO team, like many, enjoyed an additional day off for the holiday before coming back to work full force on energy saving projects.

Over the last month the team and our energy champion partners have been working to finish up projects that have been in the pipeline as well as compiling lists of new projects that are being outlined in capital improvement project listings. During the summer months we use our time to start laying out plans of attack for new energy projects as well as using it as planning time for upcoming community outreach events.

For the VIEW Partnership many of our energy champion partners are busy working away on budgets for the their cities and counties. So during the summer we focus on back end planning. Our team works to make sure that all information is current and all projects numbers are correct. During this time we also like to touch base with our SCE cities/counties on how they are progressing towards their next level on the Energy Leader Partnership model. We want to make sure that we are informing the partners on what items ca be accomplished with the help of their Edison reps.

As mentioned before, during the summer months the partnership starts looking toward the fall community outreach events. A saying in our office is," it is never too early to start planning." We will be holding many of our events in late September into October. Make sure to stay up to date on events that are listed on the partnerships website. One of the exciting community pieces that the partnership is working on is with the City of Avenal. The partnership was given a mini grant from PG&E to work with one of our deserving cities on energy efficiency projects as well as community outreach. Discussions have just begun with the city so we will make sure to keep you posted as things develop.

With our HD Regional Partnership our partners are very excited about spreading the word on the Direct Install Program from Southern California Edison. The partnership will be presenting at two local chamber events in June regarding the program. Along with the promotion of Direct Install we are happy to announce that with the help of our energy champion partners the partnership has reached its energy saving goal for the year already!

For the METU Program our SJVCEO staff has begun to benchmark the City of Parlier as well as the City of Bakersfield. Once the city facilities are benchmarked our team will put together a readiness report of projects that have the most potential for savings. We look forward to sharing some of our success stories with everyone.

Some of our other items that been taking place over the last month are our staff participating in the Clean Energy Finance Advisory Council (CEFAC) coordination meetings as well as beginning to plan for a Central Valley September event. Our staff also attended a Onsite Greywater Recycling Workshop.

Stay Tuned For Next Month's Update!