METU Project Update!

The Municipal Energy Tune Up (METU) Program, in partnership with the POM Wonderful Philanthropy grant program, leveraged funding to complete an insulation project at the Veterans’ Memorial Hall in Avenal in December 2017.

Avenal is a rural, hard-to-reach community as well as a disadvantaged community (DAC) and their Veterans’ Memorial Hall serves many facets of the community.  The hall is used as a cooling and activity center for the elderly, an after-school program for children, a community theater, and to distribute meals to those in need.

Measures installed for energy savings were: attic insulation, floor insulation, radiant barrier foil at the roof deck, and sealing of the duct work and penetrations in the attic.

Original estimated savings for the work was a 30% reduction in the building’s heating and cooling expenses.  But once the post-project summer months of 2018 were compared to the summer months in previous years, 2018 consumption is 40% less than that of previous years. The savings from this project is significant to the city and will be used to continue and expand much needed services to the community.

After such a successful project in Avenal, we are seeking to expand this project to various veterans community facilities throughout the rest of the WONDERFUL territory: Wasco, McFarland and Sanger/Del Rey.

Look out for METU near you!

METU is continually looking to assist municipal partners in the San Joaquin Valley.  If you are in any of the following counties and have PG&E gas or electric service, call us today!

Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tulare counties.

Connect with us:
T: (877) 748-0841

Check out our website!

What has SJVCEO been up to?

Hello and happy new years to all of our loyal blog readers! We hope you have had a wonderful holiday and a safe new years.

We apologize for the long delay in posting an organizational update. SJVCEO has been busier than ever and not complaining. Since our last post in March our team has been working non-stop on energy projects, state utility outreach as well as policy work. So lets dig in!

The VIEW Partnership is very excited to say we have our FIRST partner city, City of Visalia, who has reached platinum within the Southern California Edison Energy Leader Partnership. We will be awarding the certificate to the city at our upcoming annual awards luncheon this week. To reach platinum level the city has saved over 2,114,358 kWh which equates to about $613,163 saved in energy costs. That money saved has gone back into the cities general funds and put to good use for the residents of the city.

Image result for HPS lights vs LEDMany of our VIEW partners have looked into and or signed up for the Southern California Edison streetlight retrofit program. In total we have eight cities who are in the que for what is being called the LS1 option E program within the utility. Through this program partners upgrade all Edison owned streetlights to LED and the cost of the upgrade will show as a line item on their bill for up to 20 years. Many of the partners will not see any change to their electricity bills as much of the energy savings will pay for the monthly cost. We are very excited to see how the large scale upgrade in the valley will turnout when complete within the next year.

Much of the partnerships summer and fall was dedicated to community outreach and informational meetings relating to AB2672. During all outreach the partnership provided free flu shots to residents, energy saving information as well as a time to speak with the CPUC commissioners in charge of deciding the direction of the state assembly bill. The partnership will continue to work with the state in outreach in regards to AB2672 and holding its annual energy awareness month events.

Our HDR Partnership has been very busy at work as well. Many partners are moving forward with lighting upgrades as well as the same street lighting program as the VIEW partners, LS1 option E. Our partners did throw a curve ball at Edison when asking if the LED lighting can with stand Mojave desert like conditions. Edison went to their researchers to make sure the equipment being used would hold to those conditions. We are happy to say that the LED technology passes the test but will have a shorter useful life than if it were in more temperate conditions. We are excited to for the upgrades as this change in lighting will help with maintenance and operation of street lighting for partners.

METU is off to a great start for the 2018 program year! Our team was able to close out 2017 with an insulation project in the City of Avenal. This project is projected to save the city more than 1/3 of its current energy costs for one of its largest public facilities and significant source of energy usage for the city. Savings verification reporting for the City of Avenal is planned for the 1st quarter of 2018.

Lighting audits were completed in partnership with PG&E at the end of 2017 for three large publicly-owned facilities in the City of Madera. These projects are anticipated to get underway in the first quarter of 2018.

The City of Arvin has experienced recent personnel changes. However, METU was able to get the new representative up to speed on recent progress and not allow the City of Arvin to lose any of its momentum for continuing energy savings projects. Following a coordination meeting with PG&E and the Kern County Energy watch, METU will assist the city of Arvin with additional lighting projects, HVAC replacement support, as well as assist with the tools to facilitate community outreach to promote PG&E programs.

Last but not least, METU has also been busy with benchmarking efforts for the cities of Sanger and Selma. Municipal Readiness Reports detailing project pipelines will be distributed soon!

This past year has been an adventure for the team, but we are very excited and thankful to continue to do the work that we are allowed to do on behalf of our partners.

Stay tuned for our next update!

Happy METU Monday!

Why does energy efficiency make good business sense?

There are many indirect energy saving benefits according to the Small Business Administration (SBA):

Enhanced Employee Productivity - Enhanced comfort and improved lighting conditions may contribute to improvements in staff productivity.
Reduced Operations and Maintenance Costs - Many energy-efficient technologies significantly decrease your operations and maintenance requirements, saving not only money but also staff time.
Increased Customer Comfort - Building upgrades will improve your facility's appearance, present your products or services in a comfortable, well-lit environment.
Increased Asset Value - Efficient business properties have higher market values than those with higher operating costs.
Enhanced Public Image - Your contribution to environmental protection very positively differentiates your business from your competitors.

Look out for METU near you!
We are so proud to announce that we just helped the City of Avenal save over 137,000 kWh in annual savings. That is equivalent to over $21,000 in savings on their utility bills and we are just getting started!

METU is continually looking to assist our municipal partners in the San Joaquin Valley. If you are in any of the following counties and have PG&E gas or electric service, call us today!

Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tulare counties.

Not sure where to start? Connect with us:
T: (877) 748-0841

Check out our NEW website!

Happy METU Monday!

What exactly does METU do?

1.      Energy Benchmarking: You can’t manage what you don’t measure!
2.      Municipal Readiness Reports: Project pipeline
3.      Project Management: Professional cat herding from “cradle to grave”

METU Goals:
Remove barriers, save money, repeat.  It’s that simple!

Let us save money for you!

Look out for METU near you!

METU is continually looking to assist municipal partners in the San Joaquin Valley.  If you are in one of the following counties and have PG&E gas or electric service, call us today!

Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tulare counties. 

Connect with us:
T (877) 748-0841

Check out our NEW website!

Happy METU Monday!

Are you throwing away money?

“Experts have long said that ignoring energy efficiency is like walking on a sidewalk littered with cash and waving away money that’s yours for the taking.”

Let’s face it, most of us do not have an unlimited budget with money to throw away.  Why not take advantage of an opportunity to save money that can be used elsewhere in the community?

Let METU help you find those opportunities.  To sweeten the deal, METU services are of no cost to you!

There is no time to waste!  PG&E rebates on energy efficiency equipment will start disappearing in 2018!

Let's all say it together: "Remove barriers, save money, repeat."  It’s that simple!

Look out for METU near you!

METU continues moving along with projects around the valley.  We are excited to be able to help so many of our local government partners and we can’t wait to expand further.  METU is currently in Avenal, Corcoran, Arvin and Taft.  We also continue to provide benchmarking support to the County of Kern.

Connect with us:
T (877) 748-0841

Check out our NEW website!


Happy METU Monday!

Happy METU Monday!

What are your barriers to completing energy efficiency projects?
There is no question the barriers exist and they can be very different for each of our municipal partners:

-          How to decide where to begin
-          There is not enough staff support
-          There’s too many details to keep track of
-          There is no budget for these projects
-          How to make sure the project gets completed

If you can relate to any, or all the above, we can help!  METU was designed, specifically, to remove barriers to help you save money on energy.  Let us be a resource to help you reach your energy and money saving goals.

Remove barriers, save money, repeat.  It’s that simple!

Look out for METU near you!
METU continues moving along with projects around the valley.  We are excited to be able to help so many of our local government partners and we can’t wait to expand further.  METU is currently in Avenal, Corcoran, Arvin and Taft.  We also continue to provide benchmarking support to the County of Kern.

Connect with us:
T (877) 748-0841

Check out our NEW website!

Happy METU Monday!

Let’s be honest, even with PG&E rebates, energy efficiency can seem costly and overwhelming.  

METU has some ideas about that:
1.       On Bill Financing (OBF)
a.       Minimum financing for projects is $5,000 however, governments can combine sites to meet this threshold.
b.       Terms for up to $4,000,000/120 months
c.       0% interest rates with no penalties for early repayment

2.       Prioritize energy projects
a.       You don’t have to do everything at once!
b.       Let the METU team help you find the biggest return for your investment so that you can prioritize projects
c.       The METU Municipal Readiness Report (MRR) will help you put all the pieces together

3.       Energy Saving Tips you can do for free!
a.       Make use of natural lighting where possible
b.       Keep control of your heating and cooling by programming your thermostat
c.       Use hibernation feature of computers and laptops
d.       Turn off extra lights in corridors, stairs, break rooms, and meeting rooms
e.       Calling us is free too!

Remember, you’ve got resources!
Let us “herd the cats” for you!

Look out for METU near you!
As always, we are excited to be working with so many of our local government partners!  We are steam rolling along with projects in the cities of Avenal, Corcoran, and Arvin.  Also, the city of Taft is back on board and ready to get started on energy efficiency projects.  We have completed benchmarking and delivered their Municipal Readiness Reports (MRRs).  Stay tuned for more updates!

Connect with us:

T (877) 748-0841

Check out our NEW website!


Happy METU Monday!

Happy METU Monday!

Is your infrastructure in need of a tune-up?

If you answered yes to the above question, then let us remind you about the Municipal Energy Tune Up (METU) Program.

METU offers energy efficiency project assistance from “cradle to grave” to all central valley local governments.

·         Energy Benchmarking measures energy usage at each of your sites to identify opportunities for energy and money savings.

·         Readiness Reports to outline the steps needed to get the project done and information to get projects approved.

·         Advanced Project Assistance should your staff lack the time to manage the project to completion.

These services are made possible with funding from PG&E and completely free of charge to you. Don’t have the budget for energy efficiency projects? We can help with that too!

Look out for METU near you!

We are excited to be working with so many of our local government partners.  In addition to our work in the City of Avenal.  We have also completed benchmarking for the City of Arvin and will be completing a lighting upgrade project on 7 of Arvin’s municipal buildings.  The City of Corcoran is our newest addition for whom we are currently in the process of benchmarking.  METU recently went out on a water audit with the Lincus WISE program for the City of Corcoran.  We are on the move!

Connect with us:
T (877)748-0841

Check out our NEW website!

Happy METU Monday!

Let's talk about water!
We received great news from California Governor Jerry Brown on Friday.  The drought is officially over for most of California except for Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Tuolumne counties.  It seems we are near the end of this state of emergency, but it is important to recognize that conserving water saves energy.  Please be encouraged to continue implementing good water conservation practices.

Speaking of water, when was your last municipal pump test?
If you can't answer that question, it has probably been too long!  There is a significant cost savings in testing pumps for efficiency and implementing variable frequency drives (VFDs) to ensure you are not pumping when you don't need to be.  Plus, pump tests can be incentivized by your electric utility provider.

Don't know where to start?
Call us! We would be happy to get you started with water or waste water treatment experts through any one of the following programs and assist you through the process:

- Water Infrastructure System Efficiency (WISE)
- California Wastewater Process Optimization (CalPOP)
- Advanced Pumping Efficiency (APEP)

Look out for METU near you!
We are excited to be working with so many of our local government partners.  In addition to our work in the City of Avenal, we have also completed benchmarking for the City of Arvin and will move on to the project planning phase soon.  The City of Corcoran is the newest addition to the list of cities for whom we are benchmarking.

Connect with us:
T: (877)748-0841

Check out our NEW WEBSITE!

What has SJVCEO been up to in March

Spring has sprung SJVCEO into energy efficiency projects as well as being on the road for community outreach events. We are glad to be staying busy and collecting energy savings for our partners.

With the VIEW Partnership our team has been hitting the pavement to make visits to all of our partners via lunch and learns. This new meeting format allows us to sit down with those that work day to day on city infrastructure to discuss the partnerships value and what their energy needs may be. So far we are happy to say that the new format is working well and projects are coming through the pipeline. The partnership is also busy with the planning of outreach events that will take place in late spring to fall. Please make sure to stay tuned to our community outreach page on the View the Savings website.

For our HDR Partnership we are busy making sure our partners receive necessary information and applications for the Southern California Edison streetlight program. This program has been a hot ticket item for many local governments. We hope to be able to share some energy saving updates with our readers as soon as the projects are completed. Also, the partnership is busy putting together a few educational workshop for those in the community. We are still nailing down final topics of interest so please stay tuned!

On top of the partnership work that SJVCEO our METU Program and grant work has been keeping us busy as well. METU is busy at work benchmarking the City of Arvin as well as the beginning the process with the City of Corcoran. We hope to have project updates in next months update. SJVCEO is lucky enough to have been awarded with one of the POM Wonderful Community Grants in the City of Avenal. Our work in the city is focused on enrolling homes into energy saving programs as well as showcasing behavior change techniques to implement in households. So far the outcome and response from the community has been great. We hope the success continues.

That is all for this month. Make sure to stay tuned for next months update!