Got Grants | December Edition

  1. CPUC’s Digital Divide Grant Program

    Who: Nonprofit Public Agency-
    The Digital Divide Grant is for rural and urban small school districts with Free/Reduced meal participation of at least 50%. The DDGP relies on data from the California Department of Education (CDE) to determine eligibility of schools. CDE designates small school districts that have an ADA (average daily attendance) of less than 2500; medium are over 2500; large districts are over 10,000. The urban/rural designation is from Census track datat

     What: The California Public Utilities Commission Digital Divide Grant Program will award four grants of up to $250,000 each to eligible Community-Based Organizations on a competitive basis. The grants will fund digital projects that serve a beneficiary school located in an urban or rural, small school district. Projects may address physical gaps in local broadband networks, affordability, access to personal devices and digital skills training.

     When: Application deadline 1/11/2023

     How Much: Total program funding $ 1 million, each project award ceiling $250,000

     Learn More:

  2.  Greenhouse Gas Reduction Loan Program

    Who: Business Nonprofit Public Agency

     What: The purpose of this investment is to further the purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act (Assembly Bill 32), reduce methane emissions from landfills and further GHG reductions in upstream resource management and manufacturing processes; benefit disadvantaged communities by upgrading existing facilities and, where warranted, establishing new facilities that reduce GHG emissions; result in air and water quality improvements; and create jobs.

    When: Application is ongoing

    How Much: Total estimated funding $5.5 million

    Learn More:

  3. Farm & Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Grant Program

    Who: : Public Agency, Tribal Government· Cities· Counties· Resource Conservation Districts· Federally recognized Native American Tribes [as defined in PRC Section 48100(d)(1)]

    What: Project sites shall be located on 'farm and ranch' property (both private and public land are eligible), where the owner is not responsible for the illegal disposal. 'Farm and ranch' property is defined in the Eligible Geographies section below.Grantees have approximately two years to complete the project(s). Sites shall be fully remediated (cleaned up) with grant funds, or a combination of grant funds and in-kind funds/services. Funding includes reimbursement for Administrative, Recycling/Disposal (tires), Equipment, Material, and Personnel costs. Abatement/prevention measures shall be addressed if needed, such as site security and public education/outreach efforts. Innovation is encouraged.

    When: Application deadline February 9th, 2023

    How Much: $200K maximum per applicant each FY· $50K maximum per cleanup site

    Learn More:

If you need more help applying or a community partner to collaborate with, the SJVCEO can help. Email our Executive Director, Courtney Kalashian,, to find out how we can support public agencies at no cost in pursuit of grant funding