water treatment

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

1.  Last chance...earn $$ for your city's sustainability efforts!
Don’t miss your chance…August 31st is the deadline to sign your city up for the CoolCalifornia Challenge! 
Energy Upgrade California® CoolCalifornia Challenge 2015 - 2016
Play your part to keep California golden…join now in our statewide competition engaging thousands of households in cities across California to save energy, conserve water, reduce their carbon footprints, and help build more vibrant and sustainable communities!
For more information, download the Program Overview and Frequently Asked Questions from the website, or email challenge@energyupgradeca.org.
2.  Sierra Business Council - Two Positions Available
Sierra Business Council has two job openings available.  The positions are the same, but one is located in Sonora and the other can be either in Truckee or the Auburn area.  Here is the link to get more information:  http://sbcouncil.org/get-involved/sbc-careers
3.  Saving Energy in the Supply Chain
 Very good article about how to save energy through the supply chain.  To read the full article, go here:  http://www.energymanagertoday.com/saving-energy-in-the-supply-chain-0114946/
4.  Local Government Water Policy Forum
You are invited to a Local Government Water Policy Forum
Tuesday,September 15, 2015 10am-2:30pm
StopWaste 1537 Webster Street, Oakland CA
Lunch provided
This forum is for local government staff working to implement or update their jurisdiction’s response to the drought in departments such as planning, building, facilities, maintenance, public works or landscapes.
The intent of the forum is to share information amongst local governments about what we are doing to address water conservation both in our own facilities and in policies affecting our communities. 
The forum will:
· Clarify new requirements of the State for MWELO and Cal Green
· Discuss barriers to implementation, and identify potential regional approaches that could support your jurisdiction
· Review example tools and policy case studies
A preliminary agenda is attached.
There is no fee to attend this workshop, but you must be a local government staff and reservations will be accepted on a first-come first served basis.
Please email waterpolicyforum@stopwaste.org with any questions.
Please register HERE to reserve a spot.
This event is hosted by StopWaste.

And that is all for this week! 

Madera Joins Ranks Of Solar-Powered Treatment Plants

More cities and special districts are using the sun to help power their water-treatment plans in an effort to reduce energy costs.

As this story from Sign On San Diego notes, water is heavy and has to be moved around a lot. Plus, water plants have plenty of room for solar panels and suck up much power.

One project in San Diego has 4.3 acres of solar panels, and more agencies are getting into the game. In Santa Cruz, thousands of solar panels at three water treatment plants will shave $1 million off power bills over 25 years, the Santa Cruz Sentinel reported.

Madera city officials are using 94 panels mounted on a dual-axis structure that tracks the sun movements. Over 20 years, the city will cut about $3 million off its sewage-treatment power bill, according to The Fresno Bee.

Expect more projects like these.