summer energy tips

Technology Tuesdays: Using Technology to Save Money This Summer

Technology Tuesdays: Using Technology to Save Money This Summer

This is the first summer season where new peak rates have been implemented across all sectors and all California utilities, meaning, peak time is from 4pm to 9pm as opposed to the old timeframe which was noon to 7pm. It is never too late to take a look at your buildings to be sure you are ready for those hot summer months and to be sure they don’t break the bank!

Summer Savings

It’s that time of year again… school’s out for summer!

Now that the kids are home for the next few months, you might see your energy bill increase especially on those really hot days when you need to be inside running the AC. No one likes to pay more on their energy bill, so I’m here to share some tips with you so you can keep cool, enjoy the family being together again and save money.

Leaving town? I’ll share some tips for the vacationers out there, too, so you can come home to a lower utility bill.

Don't you love the smell of air dried clothes in summer?
Photo Source: Mother Earth News
Staying home?
  • Set your thermostat as high as possible, while maintaining comfort. We suggest 78 degrees Fahrenheit while you’re in your home. Leaving to see a movie or head to the pool? Turn off the AC completely or put it well above 78 degrees. You may be too warm for comfort when you initially come home, but the AC will kick in quickly and you won’t be unnecessarily running an energy-intensive machine. A programmable thermostat will make it easier to set your temperatures throughout the year.
  • Does it cool off at night where you live? If it does, turn off your AC completely and open the windows. You’ll get a fresh breeze and you won’t be paying anything for your cooling system while you sleep!
  • Turn off fans when you leave a room. Fans cool the air right in front of it, but if you’re not there to enjoy the breeze, the energy used to run the fan is wasted.
  • Use the oven as little as possible on hot days. Grill or use the stovetop.
  • Use other large appliances like washers, dryers and dishwashers only when full. Also, make sure to run them at night when your home is already a little cooler. If you have the capacity, dry your clothes outside so you don’t have to use the clothes dryer at all!
  • Decrease the temperature on your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit; you likely won’t use as much hot water in the summer as it is and this will allow you to save that energy.
  • Use weatherstripping or caulk around your windows and doors; this will prevent warm air coming in and cold air going out.
  • Keep blinds and curtains closed during the day. This will help your cooling system be more efficient.

  • Turn off all lights, inside and out. If you feel safer leaving a light on, make sure it’s on a timer so it’s only on when necessary, or from dusk till dawn.
  • Close blinds and curtains.
  • Unplug all electronics and any small appliances like microwaves, toasters, hairdryers, etc.
  • Turn off your water heater if possible. If you can’t turn it off completely, turn it down to the lowest possible setting.
  • Turn off your cooling system. Some programmable thermostats have vacation settings that will allow you to control the temperature of your home while you’re away.
  • Turn off all fans.
  • Unplug when you leave for more savings!
    Photo Source: Reglobe
  • Clear all food out of the refrigerator, clean it and unplug it. Fridges use an immense amount of energy and this can be a good time to save a little money on the energy it uses and get it sparkling again!

 How are you saving energy this summer?

19 tips to save energy and keep cool this summer

Summer's here in the San Joaquin Valley that means one thing.

It's hot. And it definitely means people will be looking to cool off by turning up their air conditioning systems. That costs money. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency offers this little fact: The average home spends almost 20 percent of its utility bill on cooling.

We've collected some tips on how to keep cool without paying a fortune in increased energy bills.

Here is the EPA's annual list of ideas to cut energy and cooling costs:

1) Change out incandescent light bulbs. Energy Star lighting uses less energy and produces about 75 percent less heat than incandescent, reducing cooling bills, too.

2) Install a programmable thermostat and set it to work around your family’s summer schedule -- a few degrees higher, say 78 or 80 degrees, when no one is home, so your cooling system isn’t cooling an empty house.

3) Run your ceiling fan to create a cool breeze. If you raise your thermostat by only two degrees and use your ceiling fan, you can lower cooling costs by up to 14 percent. But don't run them if you're not in the room.

4) Pull the curtains and shades closed or move container trees and plants in front of sun-exposed windows to serve as shade.

5) Use a microwave instead of an oven to cook. Ovens take longer to cook food and can make your house warmer, requiring your AC system to work harder.

6) Check your cooling system’s air filter every month.

7) Get duct work fixed so it doesn't leak. For more information, go to

Here are some additional tips from the California Energy Commission:

1) Turn your thermostat to 78 degrees when at home and 85 degrees when away.

2) Cut your cooling costs by opening windows when it's cooler outside than inside. In the morning, close up the house to trap the coolness inside.

3) Eliminate wasted energy. Turn off lights in unoccupied rooms and unplug or recycle that spare refrigerator in the garage if you don't truly need it.

4) Use appliances efficiently. Do only full loads when using your dishwasher and clothes washer. Run your appliances during off peak hours or after the sun goes down. When replacing these appliances, buy Energy Star products. They save up to 30 percent over standard models.

5) Stop vampire power. Many new TVs, DVD players, chargers, computer peripherals and other electronics use electricity even when they are switched off. They add up to over 50 watts in a typical home that are consumed all the time. Unplug or install switchable eco-strips.

6) Operate pool filters and cleaning sweeps efficiently. Look at the operating hours for your swimming pool filter and automatic cleaning sweep if your pool has one. Shorten the operating time if possible and switch pool filter and sweeper operations to off-peak hours.

7) Keep air conditioner outside unit clear so air can circulate freely. And tune it up regularly.

8) Install low flow shower heads to cut hot water costs.

9) Install a whole house fan. These are used after sundown when the outside temperature drops below 80 degrees and in the early morning.

10) Increase ceiling insulation. Consider increasing insulation to up to R-38 to reduce heating costs by 5 percent to 25 percent.

11) Consider replacing your old air conditioner with an more efficient unit, SEER 13 or greater. New units can save up to 40 percent compared with older models.

12) Add high efficiency windows to reduce cooling costs by up to 15 percent.