Smart phones are everywhere. This past year the iPhone 5 was
launched and within three days over 5 million units had been sold. Apparently I
wasn’t the only curious one wondering how much energy these and other smart
phones use. This posting
by Barry Fischer explains that the costs to charge the iPhone are really
very minimal – about $0.41 per year for the new iPhone 5. Other smart devices
cost about the same, more in the case of those with a larger battery. Literally
pennies a year. Not too shabby for each individual; however, with estimates
saying by 2016 over 1 billion individuals will own and operate a smart phone,
that’s a lot of pennies and a lot of energy! Fischer’s post says that the
iPhone 5 sales are projected to reach 170 million within a year. Those 170
million devices will have collective electricity consumption equal to the same
usage of about 54,000 U.S. households. Not only do the devices use energy while
charging, but they also put a strain on data centers because of the Internet
usage. On the flip side, Fischer does add that smart devices will really
decrease energy usage over time because they actually divert usage from larger,
less efficient devices (i.e. using your phone to check your email as opposed to
using your desktop computer).
It’s amazing to watch and be part of a culture immersed in
technology. So much has changed just within the past five years. Even children
know how to operate smart devices. But how much is too much when it comes to
smart phone and technology use? I already mentioned how the cumulative effect
of use has a big impact, but a guide
on WebMD discusses smart phone addiction and the negative consequences on one’s
health. The constant distraction can diminish the ability to concentrate and has
the potential to disrupt your work life and interpersonal relationships.
Organizations such as the ‘Digital Detox’ offer entire weekend
retreats to escape technology and immerse participants in days of healthy
foods, meditation, yoga, hiking, guest speakers, good company, and a little
R&R. My favorite idea is the concept of ‘Device-Free Drinks’, a happy hour
sans any technology. No sharing of Facebook photos, texting, checking email, or
taking calls. Instead, you show up, drop off your devices, and enjoy
conversation, board games, massage lounges, music, and more.
There’s nothing wrong with indulging in Apps, playing games,
keeping in touch with your friends or whatever you like to do with your smart
device; however, what would be really smart would be to power down a little
more frequently for a little bit longer. If not for the sake of the power grid,
then do it for the sake of your own sanity and well-being.
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