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Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

! Here are your wEEkly updates:

1. Webinar on Energy Technology Competition 8/28: The U.S. Department of Energy will present a live webinar titled “JUMP SIEMENS Call for Innovation” on Friday, August 26th. The Call is seeking innovative ideas for the use of personal “smart” devices to interact with public spaces.

2. Webinar on Hydrogen Infrastructure 8/30: The U.S. Department of Energy will present a live webinar titled “International Hydrogen Infrastructure Update” on Tuesday, August 30th.

3. Energy Storage Summit 12/7-8: The 2016 U.S. Energy Storage Summit will be held in San Francisco this December 7th and 8th – and early bird prices for registration end August 31st! Get the agenda, more information, and/or register.

4. CPUC Decision on the EE Rolling Portfolio Now Final: The CA Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Proposed Decision Providing Guidance for Initial Energy Efficiency Rolling Portfolio Business Plan Filings (R.13-11-005) was voted on this week and was passed. Whether you are developing a business plan for energy efficiency funds and programs in the coming years, or providing feedback on one - or simply plan on seeking energy efficiency program funding – this decision covers a number of topics (Regional Energy Networks, issues by sector, pay for performance programs, third party and statewide programs, M&V) that may be of interest. You can access the Proposed Decision – and its table of contents – here.

5. Rolling Portfolio Background: Need a refresher on R-13-11-005 and the rolling portfolio? Check out coverage on this Proceedings, Decisions, and Legislation page. You can also get involved with current proceedings through the CA Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee. Or, learn how to interpret CPUC documents and proceedings in this helpful 101 webinar.

6. CEC Staff Report on SoCal Electric Reliability: A new CEC staff report has been made available in preparation for the August 29th workshop on Electric Reliability in Southern California.

7. New Proposed Energy Storage in SoCal: Southern California’s utilities are turning to energy storage developers to get battery projects up and running at a record speed. This week, utilities Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric officially asked the California Public Utilities Commission to approve contracts for more than 50 megawatts’ worth of lithium-ion battery projects. Learn more from Greentech Media.

8. $1.2B in Cap and Trade Proposed by CA Senate: This Wednesday, California’s State Senate proposed a series of clean energy funding initiatives totaling $1.2 billion to address greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector and air pollution in urban environments.

9. Connecting Home Buyers with Metrics to Value EE: We’ve seen a lot of recent studies on how energy efficient homes are worth more; but, communicating this value has been a challenge, making the market slow to respond and leaving dollars and energy efficiency opportunities on the table in our communities. (This is especially unfortunate in low-income households, since connecting homes energy efficiency can help fight poverty.) This week, Greentech Media explores options for creating a easy metric to help home buyers include the value of energy efficiency in their decision making.

10. Low-Rise Mandatory Energy Code Measures Summary: The California Energy Commission (CEC) has just released the 2016 Low-Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary – this is a great document to share with your buildings departments as a resource to help designers and permit applicants in your jurisdiction comply with the new energy code.

11. California ZNE Milestone Achieved: The California Public Utilities Commission, California Energy Commission, and the New Buildings Institute (NBI) announced earlier this month California continues the march toward its zero net energy (ZNE) goals, with 108 new and renovated commercial buildings that have been either verified as generating as much energy as they consume or are working toward that target. More on zero net energy here – or, learn about ZNE tracking tools.

12. Waste Collection Zones Reduce GHGs: A new study of New York City reveals that commercial waste collection zones may reduce truck traffic and greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste collection.

13. New Research on Water and EE: Increased coordination between the water and energy sectors breaks down traditional silos and paves the way for an integrative approach to saving energy and water. This week, ACEEE has released a new summary of water-energy efficiency research and best practices, The Energy–Water Nexus: Exploring the Stream of Opportunities, which summarizes past research (see below) and discusses new opportunities, including joint energy and water utility collaboration.

14. Job Announcement: MCE is hiring for a Marketing Manager! Learn more here.

15. RFP Announcement: The City and County of San Francisco Department of the Environment (SFEnvironment) announces a Request for Proposals for As Needed Energy Services for the Department’s energy and climate programs, including energy efficiency, renewable and alternative energy components, and climate protection initiatives.

As always, you can keep track of relevant events by connecting to the EE Events Calendar, and find more resources being added daily on the EECoordinator website – including past WEEkly Updates.

That’s all for this week!