green home

Wellness Wednesday: Financial Health and Energy Efficiency

All my life I have known there is a ‘bigger picture’ when it comes to total wellness. Not only are we nourished by the foods we eat by also by our experiences in our daily lives. According to Wikipedia (gotta love a Google search), ‘holistic health is a concept in medical practice upholding that all aspects of people’s needs, psychological, physical and social should be taken into account and seen as a whole’. I believe that good health comes from a balance of nutrition and lifestyle factors and even takes into account financial health. Most people at one time in their lives have probably been affected by poor financial health. Maybe it was when mom and dad finally cut you off or the time when you were let go from your job; either way, it is amazing how much of a negative toll it can have on your physical health. Just as smart nutrition choices lead to a long and healthy life, good financial investments can also help you reap the rewards down the road.

You may remember my electric lawnmower post
from a few weeks back in which I announced one, that I am (finally) engaged and two, that my fiancé and I bought a house. Talk about stressful finances! In reality, the home purchase was a wise investment. Our apartment rent was costing more than what our mortgage payments will be and we finally get to have a say in what will make our house a home (backyard vegetable garden, composter, bocce ball court, and painted walls oh my!). While I can’t wait to check off my project list, I do recognize that this home is ours and will be ours for a very long time if not forever. A lifetime of projects: my dreams and nightmares all rolled into one. Whenever I find myself in a situation in which my pulse begins to race and I can’t seem to shut my mind off at the end of the day, I like to ask myself ‘what would you tell your health coaching clients?’


One thing at a time and when it comes to wise home investments I have learned in my time at SJVCEO that energy efficiency is that first baby step that will set me up for a lifetime of financial health.

Just like that electric lawnmower, there are other ‘low hanging’ options I can make that will have a big impact on my wallet. First up we will be purchasing a clothes washer and dryer. Next will be a new oven, range, microwave, and then refrigerator – trust me, there will be large gaps of time in between purchases. I am sure you are thinking dollar signs and really, so am I; however, PG&E, my local service provider, offers rebates on many of these items when you purchase qualifying appliances. Sure a couple hundred dollars in savings doesn’t sound like a lot but when I know that these new, smarter, energy efficient appliances will save me in the long run on my utility bills I know that it is worth the investment. And, if I can control my spending habits and use those couple hundred incentive/rebate dollars as my own personal revolving energy fund I can do other projects such as weatherization that will continue to help put money back into my pocket all the while making our home energy efficient and better for the environment.  

Just as I think organic fruits and veggies are an investment in my long-term health and well-being so are these appliances when it comes to the health of our environment (and my wallet). Spend money upfront (qualifying appliances), save money down the road (cheaper utility bills), and know that you have done your small part in saving energy and reducing your carbon footprint.

--Maureen Hoff

photo credit: kenteegardin via photopin cc

photo credit: jbloom via photopin cc

photo credit: samsungtomorrow via photopin cc

Money Monday: Top 5 Reasons to Go Solar!

It's a Money Monday guest post because Dee is on the trail of some money for the SJVCEO in form of an EPA grant!  Graciously our colleague, Shalon Anderson has put together a post on the Top 5 reasons for going solar on your home. Some of you may know Shalon, at least by name, through the US Green Building Council Central California Chapter.  In addition to her work for USGBC CC, Shalon works in support of many of our clients in the non-sustainability fields at PESC.  Shalon was interested in trying her hand at blog writing and we're fortunate to be the only blog business in the office!   How is this a Money Monday post?  Well,  that's answered in reason #1!

Thinking about solar for your home?
By Shalon Anderson

There are many myths out there about solar panels. “They’re too expensive, They don’t last long, It’s a waste of time.”

Well- the truth is, there are many reasons why installing solar panels on your roof can save you money and reduce your energy dependence! Solar is one of the very few household purchases that will actually pay for itself. There is no better way to save money AND increase the value of your home at the same time.

Don’t just take my word for it, let’s review the top 5 reasons why installing solar panels on your home makes financial sense.

1. GO GREEN! Installing solar panels offers a “greener” alternative than energy obtained through utility companies. Once your solar panels are installed, (roughly 3-5 days depending on the size of your home) you will immediately begin to save $$$$ on electrical costs. These savings will rack up for years to come!

2. AFFORDABLE! Most solar dealers offer little to no money down for initial  costs. Financing is available for homeowners and it’s always a good idea to check out the local incentives and rebates in your area. They’re out there! What happens if you move or sell your home? No need to fret! Nearly all solar contracts can be transferred over to new owners at no cost. See your local solar dealer for full details.

3. RELIABLE! Solar panels are built to withstand years of direct heat. On sunny days, the solar panel’s battery is charged giving you hours of efficient power after sundown.  According to, photovoltaic (PV) panels should last 20-25 years or longer. Maintenance is quick and easy, with nothing but a spray of the good ol’ garden hose needed once every few years.

4. NO FUSS! There is no interruption of solar power in the dim light or on overcast days. Solar panels are built to work with your general utility grid in times of harsh weather. You can connect to the grid when needed, so no loss of power will be experienced. You can continue with your normal activities without a sweat. In times of blackouts, solar panels will automatically turn off to prevent interference with utility company repairs. 

5. WHY NOT? There’s no reason not to consider solar panels! They can be installed in a timely manner with no modifications needed inside or outside of your home. Your roof will never  be subject to damage because solar panels actually protect the part of the roof they cover. It’s a good idea to have your roof inspected for any necessary repairs that may be needed prior to installation. Once installation is complete, all appliances will go back to “business as usual”. There is no need to purchase new appliances or acquire any special electrical outlets.

Your green home is just a phone call away! Be sure to make a list of questions and concerns for your sales person. Contact your local solar panel dealer for more insight and tips on how you can start saving money today! You can also visit the California Energy Commission for the latest in energy news and activities. 

Photo Credits: Toyota UK and Wayne National Forest