behavior modification

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly updates:

1. Resilience Webinar 8/4: Comprehensive plans and local land use codes and ordinances drive much of the climate resilience related decision making at the local level, and thus is one key target for climate integration. Learn more about tying codes and ordinances to resilience goals in this Climate Solutions University (CSU) webinar.

2. ARB Public Workshops beginning 8/9:  The California Air Resources Board (ARB) invites you to participate in public workshops to discuss updates to ARB’s Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEP) Policy to benefit disadvantaged communities. (A SEP is an environmentally beneficial project that a person subject to an enforcement action voluntarily agrees to undertake in settlement of the action and to offset a portion of a civil penalty.)

3. CPUC Lighting Research Plan Webinar 8/1: The 2015 Upstream and Residential Downstream Lighting Program Impact Evaluation Research Plan has been posted to the CPUC’s public document site for review and comment, and a webinar to review will be held on August 1st.

4. CPUC Behavioral Program Research Plan Webinar 8/1: The Draft Impact Evaluation Research Plan for the Program Administrators 2015 behavior programs (home energy and home utility reports) has been posted to the CPUC’s public document site for review and comment, and a webinar to review will be held on August 1st.

5. FHA’s PACE Guidance Reviewed: In case you missed this week’s webinar explaining last week’s Federal Housing Administration (FHA) announcement of clear guidance that will expand access to PACE program renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other home resiliency projects, a webinar recording is now available.

6. CPUC EE Program Review: the final version of the “2015 Custom Impact Research Plan Addendum – Sampling – through Q4 2015” has been posted on the CPUC energy efficiency public documents website. The comment period on this document will last until August 8th.

7. Study Reviews EE Behavioral Programs Correcting Market Failure: Energy efficiency—using less energy to provide an equivalent level of service—is part of the climate policy portfolio. Market failures might warrant encouraging energy efficiency, but an important justification comes from the realm of behavioral economics: that people erroneously underinvest in it. This creates difficulties for policy evaluation, which assumes that people’s choices, including energy efficiency investments, reflect actual preferences. Continue reading the abstract (and more) of this new study from Resources for the Future.

8. DR and Storage to Improve Air Quality: A new study proposes storage and demand response to avoid extra air pollution while meeting peak demand – and tests their framework using data from California’s grid.

9. New Los Angeles Microgrid: The Port of Los Angeles will be the site of a $27 million solar+storage pilot program that aims to show how carbon-free energy solutions can help make marine terminal operations more efficient and have less environmental impact.

10. 15-Second “Flash” Charging EV Buses Launched:  In Switzerland, a new line of buses can be topped off in a few seconds and fully charged in minutes.

11. $4.5 Billion for EV Innovation: The White House has also announced $4.5 Billion in loan guarantees for EV charging innovation. Considering electric buses in your own fleet, and want to understand what this would do to your energy efficiency? Learn more about electric vehicle infrastructure deployment planning.

12. Wave Technology Investment: More on new technologies: Oregon State University’s Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center and CalWave are competing to build a wave energy test site – and the US Department of Energy said that it will release up to $40 million for the effort.

13. EE Internationallynew figures from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) show world energy intensity has steadily decreased by nearly 33 percent in the last 15 years – and credits national and subnational energy policies as a major contributing factor.

14. New tool tracks electric supply, demand and recovery: The EIA has also launched its Electric System Operating Data Tool, which provides nearly real-time data, analysis, and visualizations of hourly, daily, and weekly electricity supply and demand on a national and regional level and for all of the 66 electric systems that make up the U.S. electric grid.

15. Job announcement: the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) is hiring for a Commercial Development Consultant! Learn more here

As always, you can keep track of relevant events by connecting to the EE Events Calendar, and find more resources being added daily on the EECoordinator website – including past WEEkly Updates

That’s all for this week!

Statewide LG EE Best Practices Coordinator: Weekly Update Vol. VIII, Issue II

For those of you who know who Pat Stoner is you likely are on his email distribution list and receive this update each week.  We are grateful that Pat has agreed to allow our little blog to re-post his weekly update.  If you have an interest in the happenings of energy efficiency and local government throughout California this is the update for you! If you love the information here, but want more in depth features be sure to check out Pat's quarterly newsletter, CURRENTS.  

August 14, 2013 Weekly Update: CPUC workshop on EE financing; Multi-family tenant engement; SEEC presentations; SF PUC seeks EE consultant

Workshop on EE Financing Pilots August 16
To all parties and interested persons:   Attached is the agenda for the workshop to be held on Friday August 16, 2013 at 10:00a.m. in hearing Room E. An hour long lunch break will be called around noon, and the workshop will end no later than 4:00 p.m.

As “Joint Utilities,” Southern California Gas Company and San Diego Gas & Electric Company submitted Comments on the Proposed Decision proposing an implementation plan for the EE Financing Pilots which they developed in consultation with CAEATFA and HBC. I view the resulting implementation plan as having significant weight because the PD envisions SoCalGas and CAEATFA as the implementing entities.  

Therefore, it will serve as the organizational underpinning of the workshop. That does not mean all of the Joint Utilities’  proposals will be adopted in the final decision, but the workshop will focus on understanding the proposal and how other proposed changes to the PD could affect implementation due to timing, cost, or other factors. The agenda identifies several issues from the Comments which could have a direct impact on the pilot program implementation plan, and which will be discussed individually.

The workshop is not the place  to introduce new evidence, make speeches, or to re-argue policy positions. The function is to clarify the projects and pin down implementation costs and schedule through questions and answers. As a result, the parties should be better able to focus their Reply Comments in terms of implementation as well as policy.

Parties will have priority in asking questions, but some public or stakeholder questions will be allowed, as time permits.

Melanie M. Darling
Administrative Law Judge
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94102-3298

Webinar: Tenant Engagement in the Multi-Family Setting
Behavior is the missing link in energy efficiency. Our best efforts to legislate and design energy efficient multifamily buildings are contingent on a third piece: tenant engagement. Tenants are not always aware of the way their energy use can contribute to the scale of energy saving potential. This webinar, offered by California Multi-Family New Homes, will address ways in which stakeholders can work with tenants to achieve anticipated energy efficiency.

Day: Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Register Here

SEEC Forum Presentations Available
The presentations, meeting notes, and videos from the 4th Annual Statewide Energy Efficiency Best Practices Forum held in Sacramento, CA are now available online!

Please use the following link to access these exciting resources:

Notes and PowerPoints from the Pacific Gas and Electric Company Local Government Partner Meeting as well the Statewide Local Government Partner Meeting are also available. Please use the following link to access these resources:

If you have any questions or comments about these resources please contact Jenny Woods at or (916) 448-1198 ext. 324.

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission RFP for Energy Efficiency Consulting Services          The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Power Enterprise released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for energy efficiency consultant services. The Energy Efficiency Services group is seeking up to 4 teams of consultants for services totaling $9.5 million over 5 years. The work targets San Francisco municipal facilities. See the link for more details.

Also, please visit my website:

Statewide LG EE Best Practices Coordinator: Weekly Update Vol. VII, Issue II

For those of you who know who Pat Stoner is you likely are on his email distribution list and receive this update each week.  We are grateful that Pat has agreed to allow our little blog to re-post his weekly update.  If you have an interest in the happenings of energy efficiency and local government throughout California this is the update for you! If you love the information here, but want more in depth features be sure to check out Pat's quarterly newsletter, CURRENTS.  

UPDATE for JULY 10, 2013

The California Energy Commission Lead Commissioner on the Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR) will conduct a workshop to discuss the definition of "Zero Net Energy" as it relates to newly constructed buildings in California.

Commissioner Andrew McAllister is the Lead Commissioner for the 2013 IEPR. Other commissioners may attend and participate in this workshop. Commissioners and staff from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) may also attend and participate.

In Person Attendance
Thursday, July 18, 2013, 9:00 a.m.
1516 Ninth Street, First Floor, Hearing Room A
Sacramento, California
(Wheelchair Accessible)

Remote Attendance
You may participate in this meeting through WebEx, the Energy Commission's online meeting service. Presentations will appear on your computer screen, and you may listen to the audio via your computer or telephone. Please be aware that the meeting may be recorded.
To join a meeting:

VIA COMPUTER: Go to and enter the unique meeting number: 923 288 296. When prompted, enter your information and the following meeting password: cec@0718

The "Join Conference" menu will offer you a choice of audio connections:

1.      To call into the meeting: Select "I will call in" and follow the on-screen directions.
2.      International Attendees: Click on the "Global call-in number" link.
3.      To have WebEx call you: Enter your phone number and click "Call Me."
4.      To listen over the computer: If you have a broadband connection, and a headset or a computer microphone and speakers, you may use VolP (Internet audio) by going to the Audio menu, clicking on "Use Computer Headset," then "Call Using Computer."

VIA TELEPHONE ONLY (no visual presentation): Call 1-866-469-3239 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada). When prompted, enter the unique meeting number: 923 288 296. International callers may select their number from

VIA MOBILE ACCESS: Access to WebEx meetings is now available from your mobile device. To download an app, go to

If you have difficulty joining the meeting, please call the WebEx Technical Support number at 1-866-229-3239.

For more information:
(If link above doesn't work, please copy entire link into your web browser's URL)

EXISTING BUILDINGS DRAFT ACTION PLAN PRESENTATIONS AVAILABLE from June 24, 25 and 28, 2013 Staff Workshops on The Comprehensive Energy Efficiency Program for Existing Buildings Draft Action Plan

For more information:

Per Decision 12-011-015, the “Decision Approving 2013-14 Energy Efficiency Programs and Budgets,” the Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) were directed to hire an expert entity to help design a comprehensive approach to the Workforce Education and Training issues (WE&T) inherent in their energy efficiency (EE) portfolios.  The IOUs are pleased to announce that the UC Berkeley Donald Vial Center was selected after a formal solicitation review process.

The statewide IOU team invites all interested stakeholders to a public workshop during which the UC Berkeley team will present their work plan, in response to the IOU’s requested scope of work.  Questions will also be welcomed.

Public Workshop:  WE&T Consultant Contract – July 29, 2013, 10:00 am – Noon
California Public Utilities Commission (Room TBD)
505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco  94102
Call-in/Webinar Details Will Be Provided

There will be a free one-hour webinar on Tuesday, July 16. It will feature best-selling author David Gershon who will share recent research and case studies on Addressing Climate Change through Community Engagement and Behavior Change.

Please note the start time in your time zone: 9 a.m. Pacific.

Register here:

David Gershon, co-founder and CEO of Empowerment Institute, is one of the world's foremost authorities on behavior-change, community engagement and large-system transformation. He is the author of 11 books, including "Social Change 2.0: A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World," and the best-selling "Low Carbon Diet: A 30 Day Program to Lose 5,000 Pounds." He co-directs Empowerment Institute's School for Transformative Social Change, which teaches change agents to design and implement stakeholder engagement and behavior change initiatives.

The California Sustainability Alliance has released a Water-Energy Toolkit for Sustainable Development, a practical guide to implementing water-energy conservation policies and projects for local government, developers, water agencies and supporting parties.

The Alliance’s Toolkit is designed to provide four important stakeholder groups (water agency staff, policy makers, developers and water-energy conservation advocates) with the basic knowledge and resources needed to enable consideration of water-energy savings solutions in the community development process. Structured as an action-oriented and practical guidebook, the Toolkit offers simple steps, example roadmaps, and exemplary California case study examples of working projects to guide stakeholders through the key components of the water-energy sustainability decision-making process.
Download the toolkit for more details.

Check out OPR’s newest Climate Changers video: Crossing 400: The Keeling Curve Reaches a Historic Milestone. Ralph Keeling, geochemistry professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, talks about the @keeling_curve and a historic climate milestone: the carbon dioxide concentration in our atmosphere recently exceeded 400 ppm for the first time in human history. Dr. Keeling explains the consequences of this, outlines solutions, and addresses why time is of the essence.

OPR has also recently uploaded several other new videos to our Climate Changers YouTube Site, an innovative video initiative to share hot lessons and cool solutions. We invite you to browse through our video library and to become a "climate changer" by joining us in working toward a more resilient California.

A new post by Severin Borenstein    
Sure, I'd like to see a tax on gasoline that reflects its greenhouse gases emissions. If we can't or won't do that, then maybe subsidies for electric vehicles can imperfectly address some of the same goals. If not that, how about free EV charging? Free parking? Higher speed limits for EVs? Discount air travel for EV owners? Complimentary massages? By the time you got to the last couple ideas, you probably said "well that's ridiculous."  At least I hope so. But where do you draw the "ridiculous" line? Click here for the whole post.

Also please visit Pat’s website:

Energy Efficiency & Behavior Change

I recently participated in a behavior change workshop put on by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in which ‘behavior programs’ were defined, various behavior theories were discussed, and practical examples of behavior interventions in relation to the world of energy were given in response to this white paper. A large disagreement was whether or not existing utility programs and CPUC driven efforts already incorporate behavior change methods. One of the presenters held a degree in Cultural Anthropology and as they introduced her there were laughs as it was proclaimed that not many Anthropologists can be found in the realm of energy efficiency. Without writing a novel, here are my two cents:

My degree is also in Cultural Anthropology (with a minor in Exercise and Health Science) and while many people always asked what I would do with ‘that’, I simply brushed it off because, while I do understand the limitations when it comes to certain professions, what can’t you do with a social sciences degree? I studied people around the world and my experience has built a foundation from which to listen and learn from a culturally diverse and sensitive perspective.  As a staff person at a non-profit and an entrepreneur with my health coaching business, I know the cornerstone of everything is communication. What do people need, what do people want, and what are the motivations behind these feelings? Recognizing that the answers will vary across continents, countries, states, cities, neighborhoods, and even individuals is the key to success for any business model or program.

People want someone to listen to them - to truly listen.
Image source:
It’s often that they don’t even want someone to solve their problems. They want a sounding board - a place in which they are comfortable to let it all out and a person who can lend an ear to empathize. When given an outlet like this, support, maybe a few suggestions, and the power to make decisions for themselves, people are more likely to act on whatever problem with which they are facing. Despite the abundance of technology that infiltrates our daily lives, we are still human beings at the end of the day. Let’s revisit these simple, common sense practices of face to face interactions, brush up on our listening skills, respect one another’s beliefs even if they aren’t like ours, and learn to work together as people and not as test subjects for products and programs. Technology changes and comes and goes, but people will always be people – I hope you see what I am getting at. Once you get back to basics, I am beyond optimistic and confident that you will start seeing the desired results in your chosen industry.

Energy efficiency enthusiasts, fellow Cultural Anthropologists, and all other SJVCEO blog readers, I would love to hear your comments on this subject and the white paper.