Mr. Eco

Mr. Eco releases new green video

Mr. Eco, aka Brett Edwards, continues to fight the good fight, and he don't need no stinkin' badges.

The environmental rap superhero, who fights for clean energy while in tune and on key, debuts "Saves So Hard" at the 2012 Red Brick Dorm Energy Competition held by Cal Poly's Green Campus Program. Mr. Eco describes it this way: "Over a four-week period, the students from the six red brick residence halls saved over 25,000 pounds of CO2. That's equivalent to three t-rex skeletons worth of fossil fuels!! JK."

The world may never know.

The winning dorm, Trinity, was featured in this music video and also received a polar bear donation in their name to the World Wildlife Fund!

P.S. You don't have to be a resident in a dorm at Cal Poly to "Save So Hard." Do it wherever you are!! Deuces:)

The last two graphs are all Mr. Eco. So far, we've kept up with his video releases. It's all about getting hits, so please share this link.

Mr. Eco releases all original song/commuting video

Our friend Mr. Eco is making waves.

This time with his latest video, titled "When We Commute." The song is the first original Mr. Eco work by Brett Edwards, who hails from Fresno and attends California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo. He says the video seeks to inspire people to rethink their commute and give alternative transportation a chance.

He teamed up with the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District, Central Coast Clean Cities Coalition and SLO Car Free to produce the latest effort. The video also features the Air District mascots Percy the Penguin and Professor Ozone.

"When We Commute" won first place at the "Green Shorts Film Festival" in the San Luis Obispo region and will compete in the Santa Barbara region on April 6.

Here's another chance to see Mr. Eco on TV.

Here are some other Mr. Eco posts: Mr. Eco seeks to launch spring school tour Environmental rap superhero spreads clean energy message

Here are other Mr. Eco posts of interest:

Environmental rap superhero spreads clean energy message
Mr. Eco seeks to launch spring school tour

Mr. Eco seeks to launch spring school tour

Mr. Eco, a Cal Poly student from Fresno, Calif. trying to raise green awareness, is going on a middle/elementary school tour this spring and is looking for a little financial assistance.

His tour is to span five school districts with the potential of reaching "THOUSANDS of kids with a potential of over 20 school visits this Spring," he says.

"Some schools say that they are willing to pay for my performances, but I would like to complete this tour with no cost to the schools," Mr. Eco says.

His project has been posted on, a funding platform made especially for creative projects.

Those who pledge can receive items such as a signed copy of the parody album, "Get Green Or Die Trying," Mr. Eco reusable bags, Mr. Eco shirts, a DVD of Mr. Eco's videos, items from his original costume, "a personal rap made just for you" or even a performance at the site of the donor's choosing.

"I think what Mr. Eco is doing is brilliant - making all this environment awareness fun and educational," says Shannon Bryan-Ruggiero at Creston Elementary School in San Luis Obispo County, in a testimonial supplied by Mr. Eco. "In a time of a LOT of unhealthy influences on kids (and people as a whole for that matter in the media, etc) his message, his humor, his info, the whole thing, is so positive and so needed in today's world, and especially for today's youth."

For more on Mr. Eco, go to

Video: Behind the Scenes of "You Can't Find Me in the Tub."

Environmental rap superhero spreads clean energy message

The battle to clean the air and water is expected to be a great challenge, testing the mettle of all who partake.

The San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization crossed paths with one superhero who may turn the tide. Mr. Eco, aka Brett Edwards, attends California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo. He came to our attention in 2011 after we spotted his video "Turn Em Out (Official Parody)." At the most recent count, Mr. Eco has 31 videos on his youtube channel that have racked up about 21,000 views.

"You Can't Find Me in the Tub: Official Mr. Eco Parody" is his latest. It unveils his new costume and ecomobile. "You Can't Find Me In The Tub" is done to 50 Cent's "In Da Club" and is off Mr. Eco's parody album, "Get Green Or Die Trying."

Here's how Mr. Eco describes his most recent work: "The song encourages water conservation by using low flow shower heads instead of taking baths. The video was filmed in San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach and Cayucos. It features cameos from Mr. Eco's sidekick 'Lil Nico' and Matt Damon as well of a lot of Brita raising in da club."

Here's a question and answer session Mr. Eco so kindly agreed to:

SJVCEO: What got you interested in green issues and green energy specifically?

Mr. Eco: My AP Environmental Science class my junior year of high school at Clovis West. Without Mr. Mirigian there would be no Mr. Eco! I had a passion for wildlife before that, but I was awakened to the environmental issues in that class.

Mr. (Michael) Mirigian: As a teacher (now retired) we all dream of the day when we discover that a former student has taken to what we expose them and develop it into something of their own interpretation and interest. That is Brett "Mr. Eco" Edwards. While enrolled in my AP Environmental Science course, Brett always demonstrated his ability to "make connections" between all of the topics we discussed. He is a true critical thinker.

SJVCEO: Is there anything that what you’re learning now that could be translated into furthering green activities in the San Joaquin Valley?

Mr. Eco: No doubt what I am learning now could be translated into furthering green activities in SJV. There is a ton of improvement toward sustainability that needs to be made in the Valley, and I hope Mr. Eco can do projects there in the future.

SJVCEO: You come from an area with generally the worst air in the nation. Does that influence what you do as Mr. Eco?

Mr. Eco: It influenced my video Prince of Fresh Air. "" I remember only being able to see certain mountains from Fresno after rainy days growing up. That is ridiculous. The air quality sucks and is going to take a change in the way people commute to make a difference. Asthma amongst children is horrific and it is prevalent in the Valley.

SJVCEO: What’s your major?

Mr. Eco: Business, Entrepreneurship concentration. I plan to make the green "money" to save the green "environment."

SJVCEO: What high school in the Valley did you attend?

Mr. Eco: Clovis West Eagles! I graduated in 2009.

SJVCEO: Who came up with the idea of Mr. Eco?

Mr. Eco: I did with the help of my sister, who is my biggest supporter musically. I used to rap in high school with the persona Mister E. My sister said, "You should rap about going green," after I became an intern for the Green Campus Program at Cal Poly, and I ran with the idea from there.

SJVCEO: Does Mr. Eco have a support team? If so who are they and what are their opinions of this green energy movement?

Mr. Eco: My family is my biggest support team. They support the green energy movement, but I there is a lot of room for improvement at my parents house in Fresno. Mikhail Sarkhosh is my film director, we work really well together and he is a part of the team. He has adopted some sustainable habits; I at least have him thinking about it now especially when we are filming because I make us be as sustainable as possible.

SJVCEO: What is your take on the green energy movement?

Mr. Eco: If I had a million dollars, I would invest it all in wind and solar. I truly believe they are going to take off. We need to get rid of our dependency of coal, oil and natural gas. Period.

SJVCEO: How important is this issue to your generation?

Mr. Eco: Vitally. We are at the point in time where we are on top of a mountain. If we continue our path, we will fall down and kill the earth. If we rethink our path, we can safely travel back down the mountain. We have to learn how to do more with less resources. This Earth can't support 7 billion people with our rate of consumption and resources.

SJVCEO: There’s been a lot of hoopla surrounding green jobs. What are you seeing out there? Are any friends getting hired or internships in the sector?

Mr. Eco: Yes, a lot of friends I have met through the Green Campus Program have graduated and been hired into green jobs. Two examples, one is a sustainable program director for a school district in Long Beach and the other is a consultant and a green engineering firm in San Diego.

SJVCEO: What’s Mr.Eco planning in the coming months & this summer?

Mr. Eco: I am going on school assembly tours this spring! They are part of my "Get Green Or Die Trying" parody album release on Earth Day April 22. This summer, I am traveling to Costa Rica with International Student Volunteers. Also, if I win America's Next Eco-Star I will be traveling to Austria for a sustainability conference.

SJVCEO: What job do you plan to pursue upon graduation?

Mr. Eco: An environmental rap superhero, I shall call him Mr. Eco.

Editor's note: See more about Mr. Eco at

Young people battle for a cleaner planet, their future

Much depends on the younger generation.

Their habits, priorities and motivations largely will define the directions of development, technological advancement and political leanings. And while this always has been true to some degree, it may matter more now as society ponders the potential crushing cost of climate change, pollution and the cumulative effects of humankind's unprecedented industrialized push forward these past 150 years.

Millennials, or Generation Y, and those born after them will have to seriously consider the environmental impact of everything they do. Mental Klaxons may as well sound a crisis alert every time they consider driving a car, purchasing a house or otherwise taking part in potential carbon-creation.

Passing the Boomers

Growing up, I didn't have to do that. To me, pollution, contamination and too much garbage was the big scare. I remember walking above an abandoned missile site in the middle of nowhere Alaska and thinking about irradiated dirt in 1971. (I was 10, hitchhiking with mom.)

Nukes are bad, certainly. But their impact proves relatively minor as long as they remain in their silos.
Now the passive threat of rising sea level threatens thousands of island nations and low-lying real estate worldwide, and we've blown past the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that scientists say is safe for humanity -- 350 parts per million. Current level is 392 ppm. Yet, we keep pushing it. The stakes are off the charts.

"Danger, Will Robinson!" Or so says voice actor Dick Tufeld in his guise as the Robot in the the 1960s TV show "Lost in Space." But that's Boomer speak. (Another that comes to mind is Rita Moreno bellowing "Hey you guys!" on Electric Company.)

New catchphrases

This generation has its own references, its own icons and its own messages and means of popular delivery. Who over 30 knows of Strong Bad? This phrase is apt: "When all the land is in ruins; And burnination has forsaken the countryside. Only one guy will remain. My money's on Trogdor!"


Many Millennials take their air and water quality seriously. They want to limit commuting, live close to work, walk to restaurants. Potentially, they're creating an entirely different approach to community design, energy use and how resources should be exploited.

And they're hardly shy about expressing their opinions. They're tearing up the Internet via YouTube and social media pathways. But they aren't stopping there.

Democracy & climate change

Take Zaheena Rasheed, a former intern and a resident of the Maldives, a scattered island nation with an average ground level about 4 feet above the sea about 250 miles southwest of India. In an email, she expresses thanks to, which seeks to build a global movement to solve the climate crisis.

"In under a week, an incredible 35,553 of you signed our petition to world leaders," she says. Her words appear on the group's website in a post by Kelly Blynn. The Maldives have reportedly scheduled democratic elections after President Mohamed Nasheed's troubles that culminated with Canarygate, which involved allegations of corruption.

Rasheed continues. Her words ooze power and conviction: "There is much in common in the battle against climate change and for democracy -- the right to a healthy and dignified life -- and this can happen when people are free to speak their minds, make decisions over their own resources, and have the power to act against injustice."

Eloquent, yet not too unapproachably activist.

Others offer a more laid-back delivery. But the underlying message -- be good to Mother Earth -- remains.

So Fresh, So Green

Sarah Laskow of stumbled across a video created by a group of seniors from Atlanta’s Marist School. "So Fresh, So Green" was written and performed by Butta Biscuit, Mikey-B, Confucius Rodge and Clive Sensation with the filming and editing handled by Eric Eichelberger.

Laskow says the motivation was Marist's participation in the Green School Alliance’s Green Cup Challenge. She says schools that took part tried to reduce their energy use over four weeks, and some did so by more than 20 percent.

"This stuff isn’t rocket science: They just turned off more lights, readjusted the thermostats and, in some cases, replaced old equipment," she writes.

The video is based on Outkast's "So Fresh, So Clean." The student rappers stick to the basics, encouraging people to recycle, save energy by turning off lights and not just "talk the talk, but walk the walk."

Mr. Eco spreads the word

Another would-be Al Yankovic is Mr. Eco from Cal Poly (known offically as California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo), who has a number of videos devoted to the green cause. Mr. Eco calls himself an environmental rap superhero who incorporates sustainable living tips into parodies and represents the Alliance to Save Energy's Cal Poly Green Campus Program.

In one of his videos, dubbed "Turn Em Out," Mr. Eco parodies rapper T.I.'s "Bring Em Out." That latter video has more than 4.5 million views, while our Mr. Eco at this writing had 3,127. But when we first wrote about him in early November 2011, he had yet to break 1,000.

And Mr. Eco, the outspoken superhero that he is, also has taken his schtick on the road, visiting Ahwahnee Middle School in the scenic confines of our own Fresno, Calif. Mr. Eco, also known as Brett Edwards, is from Fresno. So that helps.

He's making an impact. Ahwahnee Principal Tim Liles even did a plug for Mr. Eco in the video.

One year, zero garbage

The crew at is tirelessly going from city to city to screen its powerful documentary. The next is March 2 in a Seattle church.

Dubbed "Your Environmental Road Trip" -- thus the acronym YERT -- the film covers all 50 states in a search "for innovators and citizens solving humanity's greatest environmental crises."

The trio of filmmakers says they were "called to action by a planet in peril." Producer Mark Dixon tells me he's up for more screenings. So if anybody's interested ...

I'm psyched.

Solar Workers Find Green Jobs Aren't A Myth

Think Industrial Revolution

The drumbeat over whether green jobs really exist has been steady throughout 2011. Much of the debate stems from the definition of "green," but a front page story in the Riverside Press Enterprise on Christmas Day is worth noting.

The headline reads, "Solar Projects Bring Precious Jobs." Here's a link to the online version of the story.

The article by Leslie Berkman quotes a handful of formerly unemployed truckers, construction workers and others who are among some 700 people building the $2.2 billion Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating site in the Mojave Desert - one of several large-scale solar projects under way or proposed in Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial counties.

"This is a godsend for a lot of people," said Tim West, a carpenter quoted by Berkman.

The plants will help California reach its 33 percent renewables mandate, but also provide badly needed jobs during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Construction jobs in the Inland Empire portion of California have fallen 57 percent since the height of the building boom, Berkman writes.

The solar construction boom is expected to last in that region for at least five years. Those plants won't require as many employees when they are operating, but at least people such as West and Lee Russell, a former trucker driver-turned-apprentice who now earns $24 per hour at the solar plant and who also was quoted in the Press Enterprise article, are working now.

The Mojave Desert isn't the only place in California where solar jobs are likely to soar. Dozens of solar projects are making their way through the planning process in San Luis Obispo, Fresno, Kings and Tulare counties as well, where planners are being cautious to avoid avoid conflicts with prime farm land. Read more here.

Meanwhile, the solar and wind industries are attracting some savvy investors, such as Warren Buffett, Google and KKR & Co.. They are investing in select projects in California and elsewhere. Buffett, who also has interests in oil companies, invested in two solar projects that have power purchase agreements in place, noted The Motley Fool.

Critics contend solar energy is too expensive and can't last without subsidies, but installation costs are falling (43 percent decline since 1998, according to this study by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), panels are becoming more efficient and it won't be long before solar electricity reaches grid parity. In fact, some experts say it's already there. Check out this recent blog post by my colleague, Mike Nemeth.

Solar energy isn't the only green industry headed for prime time. Corporate America has discovered that going green adds more green to its bottom line. Major companies are beefing up their sustainability departments (dubbed "green teams) and are seeking out ways to cut energy consumption. And let's not forget energy benchmarking, which is gaining a higher profile, especially in California where a law requires data before certain property can be sold.

Find out more here, here, here and here.

Or listen to Cal Poly's Mr Eco rap.

Sure, green companies will come and go. There will be some high-profile implosions like Solyndra, and others will just kind of slip away into the night. Big companies will acquire smaller ones and consolidations will occur. Startups will carve out a niche, and established businesses will expand to take advantage of green opportunities.

This is a young dynamic industry - and it's on the move.

Mr. Eco takes on energy efficiency at Cal Poly

We're always looking for new ways to present energy efficiency to the masses.

In this video, dubbed "Turn Em Out," Mr. Eco parodies rapper T.I.'s "Bring Em Out." That latter video has more than 4.1 million views, while our Mr. Eco at this writing had yet to break 1,000.

But energy efficiency is tough to get the crowd yellin(g). According to details on YouTube, it was filmed all over the campus of Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, Calif. "with Mr. Eco cruising through campus in an electric car reminding everyone to 'Turn Em Out.'"

Mr. Eco included a very Cal Poly cast of cameos that included President Jeffrey D. Armstrong, ASI President Kiyana Tabrizi, Sustainability Coordinator Dennis Elliot, Soccer Coach Paul Holocher, Officer Chad Reiley and Musty The Mustang. Wikipedia says in T.I.'s version, Jay-Z offers a vocal sample, while DJ Drama, Jazze Pha and Swizz Beatz made cameo appearances.

Mr. Eco calls himself an environmental rap superhero who incorporates sustainable living tips into parodies and represents the Alliance to Save Energy's Cal Poly Green Campus Program.

There's more at or his YouTube channel.