Valley Air
District Accepting Applications to Replace Class 5-8 Heavy-Duty
Diesel Trucks or Engines
The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution
Control District (SJVAPCD) is accepting applications until July 28
for the Proposition 1B: Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program.
About $15 million is available for heavy-duty diesel truck
replacement projects in this round of funding. These incentives are
intended to quickly reduce air pollution emissions and health risks
from heavy-duty diesel trucks moving freight along California's trade
Financial incentives will be provided to owners of equipment used in
freight movement to upgrade to cleaner technologies through truck
replacement or engine replacement. Note that this is a replacement
program and does not fund new additional truck purchases.The existing
truck or engine must be scrapped or surrendered in accordance with
program guidelines. This also is not a rebate
program. Trucks funded by this program can only be purchased
after a contract is signed and executed between the equipment owner
and the SJVAPCD.
Heavy-duty diesel trucks used to move goods (a majority of the time)
for the past two years, with an original manufacturer’s gross vehicle
weight rating (GVWR) of 16,001 lbs. or greater (Class 5-8) are
eligible for the program. Eligible trucks also must currently be
registered in California and present evidence of California
registration for the past two years. In addition, trucks must have
operated at least 75 percent of the time in California and 10 percent
within the SJVAPCD boundaries. Annual vehicle miles traveled
requirements must be met as well (at least 20,000 miles annually for
Class 7 and 8 and at least 10,000 miles annually for Class 5 and 6
The District may provide direct assistance for
applicants at its offices, but no further information or schedule is
available at this time. For full application guidelines, visit the
Prop 1B page on the SJVAPCDwebsite or call
the District's Heavy-Duty Engine Program at (599) 230-5800 and ask to
speak to someone about Prop 1B funding.