Charge Ready Program

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly updates:

Peer-to-Peer Requests

Responses: EVSE Installation
Information on vendors and opportunities to help offset of installing charging infrastructure for electric vehicles:
  • SCE's Charge Ready program partners with local governments and businesses to increase the availability of EV charging stations, providing rebates to cover some or all costs related to installation.
  • ​Green Charge Networks combine EV charging and energy storage ​to minimize peak hour demand, reduce load on the power grid and minimize peak electricity rates.
  • Additional incentives for commercial and residential EVSE installation.
  • If you are a city in any of these counties (Kern, Kings, Tulare, Fresno, Madera, Maricopa, Merced, San Joaquin, or Stanislaus) and interested in learning more about opportunities to offset the cost of EVSE installation, please email me so that I can connect you with the San Joaquin Valley Electric Vehicle Partnership.
Responses: Community-Based Social Marketing Methods​
Resources on community-based social marketing methods that a city staff can implement in their offices to help reduce energy use:
  • ​Step Up and Power Down: PG&E program working in Redwood City, San Carlos, San Francisco, San José, and Woodland​ to help reduce energy waste among businesses and homes while helping local cities achieve their sustainability goals. Includes office engagement games like Adopt a LightUnpluckedVampire, and more.
  • Fostering Sustainable Behavior is an online book that introduces the five steps of community-based social marketing (selecting behaviors, identifying barriers & benefits, developing strategies, conducting a pilot, and broad-scale implementation), and showcases numerous programs illustrating its use.

​News and Opportunities

New PACE "Guidance" Takes Effect Tomorrow
In July, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Federal Housing Administration (HUD and FHA) issued guidance under which the FHA would back properties using PACE financing. The rules take effect tomorrow. The FHA guidance stresses that PACE obligations must be treated and follow the same rules as other special tax assessments leveled by municipalities.

Seeking Comments: SB 350 Barriers Report
The CEC is now accepting comments for their SB 350 barriers study: A Study of Barriers and Solutions to Energy Efficiency, Renewables and Contracting Opportunities ​Among Low-Income Customers and Disadvantaged Communities (Draft Staff Report). Comments are due Thursday, September 29th by 4:00 PM.

Seeking Comments: Vibrant Communities & Landscapes
This draft vision for comment and discussion is intended to consider land use in the context of California's climate change policy and begin to explore how the State can support actions, at all levels of government, to facilitate development and conservation patterns that help to achieve the state's climate mitigation and adaptation goals. Comments are due to by September 28th.

Job Opportunity: Statewide Local Government Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator
The Local Government Commission is seeking to fill the Coordinator position with a highly motivated and knowledgeable individual to support local government energy efficiency efforts throughout the state. Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.
SBCCOG is seeking a senior project manager for energy efficiency and environmental programs to manage the development of strategies, standards, and processes for the implementation of programs, activities, and events related to the environment, water, energy and transportation. This position is open until filled.

Job Opportunity: Air Pollution Specialist, California Air Resources Board (ARB)
ARB is seeking two Air Pollution Specialists for its Sacramento office with the necessary skills and expertise to contribute to the implementation of SB 375 in a strong team environment within the Sustainable Communities Policy and Planning Section of the Transportation Planning Branch. Applications are due by September 28th.

9/20 (Oakland / webcast) 2016 CALGreen Residential Measures: Changes and Opportunities
BayREN invites local government policymakers and sustainability staff, building department staff, city planners, and energy consultants to learn about the changes to the 2016 CALGreen requirements for residential buildings. Presentations will provide high level overview of these changes and the implications for building department code compliance processes and market transformation.

9/21 (Irwindale / webcast) Energy Data Access Committee (EDAC) Q3 2016 Meeting
​The EDAC, a forum established by the CPUC for discussing changes in data access and CPUC Privacy Rules as technology and stakeholder data needs change, will be meeting on September 21st. Agenda items include a discussion of how the 2013 Decision that formalized CPUC's Privacy Rules has increased the inconsistency in municipal GHG inventories and a presentation by CEC staff on AB 802 requirements for all utilities to provide access to whole building monthly energy usage data, which will phase in January 2017.

9/21 (San Francisco / webcast) Coordinating Committee Meeting #9
The California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee is meeting next week to review the Voluntary DRAFT Business Plan Sector Chapters, which are now open for comments, and to discuss a number of other important local government energy efficiency topics.

10/27 (webinar): LGP + REN EM&V Roadmaps Update
This webinar will present the proposed update to the CPUC EE EM&V Master Plan, LGP and REN-CCA Chapters ("roadmaps").

Resources and Reports

10 Tactics of Successful Energy Managers
This eBook discusses the role of the energy manager in an organization and provides 10 guidelines for enhancing energy management effectiveness. It is intended for use by energy management professionals and other energy stakeholders seeking to implement positive organizational change.

How the IoT is Reshaping Building Automation
This white paper defines the Internet of Things (IoT) for the building automation industry as an integrated ecosystem.

Coordinator Resources
Browse the Coordinator website for more resources on a variety of energy efficiency related topics. If there are topics that you would like to see added or further developed, please reach out to me at

That's all for this week!

Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly updates:

1. Events today: the CEC is holding a workshop in Sacramento and by WebEx for public input on the proposed scope and schedule of the Energy Commission’s Senate Bill 350 (SB350) Barriers Study. The study focuses on barriers to access for low-income customers and disadvantaged communities to energy efficiency and renewable energy investments.

2. Event reminder: if you haven’t registered for this year’s SEEC Forum, do so before registration fills up! The 7th Annual SEEC Forum will be held in Riverside June 15th-16th with two full days of sessions led by cities, counties, state, utility, and energy representatives, held at no-cost to local governments.

3. ACEEE’s Summer StudyRegistration is open for ACEEE's 19th biennial Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Pacific Grove, California, August 21-26.

4. Conference: the Next Generation Energy System: Greentech Media will host their Grid Edge World Forum in San Jose, California, June 21-23. Click here to register.

5. Demand response webinar 6/9: Learn from EnergyHub about how to create a best-in-class “Bring Your Own Thermostat” (BYOT) demand response program with high participation rates in their upcoming webinar.

6. Microgrids webinar 6/16: Learn more the why, when, and how for optimal microgrid deployment in this upcoming webinar.

7. Online office hours 6/14 and 6/28: Looking for support on SEEC’s ClearPath greenhouse gas inventory and climate action planning tool? Online office hours are scheduled for Tuesday 6/14 and 6/28 at 11am.

8. Energy data access survey reminder: local governments have a special opportunity to provide input on their experiences accessing energy data for climate action planning to the state’s Energy Data Access Committee. This survey will be closing soon – please provide your experiences to help guide data access policies.

9. Local government action on Climate Action Plans: Congratulations to San Bernardino’s Victorville for passing its climate action plan, and to Sebastapol for adopting 13 goals from the region’s “Climate Action 2020” plan. (For more on climate action plans, click here.)

10. New funding for climate change resilience: PG&E has just announced plans to award $1 million to support local climate change resilience planning. Two grants of $100,000 will be awarded per year for five years beginning in 2017.

11. Funding reminder: deadlines are coming up for applications to federal funds for local pollution source reduction ($2.2M due 6/6), disaster and flood mitigation ($289M due 6/15),  community resilience ($4.5M due 6/20),  HUD choice neighborhoods ($120M due 6/28), and more.

12. EE and Solar Save California $192 Million? Hear from Greentech Media about how the great work in our cities and counties is reducing the need for new investment.

13. The value of cool roofs: Just in time for summer: a new study has reviewed the potential for cool roofs and green roofs to reduce urban heat island effect and improve air quality in the City of Chicago. For more on cool roofs in California, click here.

14. EE for realtors: A two-day training event for National Association of Realtor (NAR) Green Designation will be held in Yolo County June 14th-15th, connecting realtors with the value proposition of green homes and how to sell to home buyers increasingly interested in high home efficiency and performance. This event has no registration fee thanks to support from PG&E.  Please share with your real estate community! (Looking for more resources on the business case for efficient buildings? Click here.)

15. Green lease resources: I recently put out an ask to the network regarding green lease resources on behalf of several interested local governments – and received a number of great recommendations of resources. I’ve added them to the website – search green lease to review. Or, check out a new report prepared for the Port of San Diego on sustainable incentives best practices.

16. More on green leases and green tenants: Or, check out Portland’s Green Tenant Improvement Guide, a publication by the DOE looking at the feasibility of energy efficiency in separate tenant spaces, or this 2015 EPA publication sharing case studies of how landlords and tenants have overcome split incentive and other challenges to achieve energy efficient, high-performing buildings.

17. EE through building user feedback: check out how UC Davis is reducing building energy waste and improving student comfort through a new app.

18. ZNE in a Sunnyvale Racquetball Facility: Learn in this new video about how architects, developers and builders took a windowless, concrete “tilt-up” racquetball facility and retrofitted it to a desirable, zero net energy (ZNE) commercial property cost-effectively, repurposing nearly 95% of materials and creating a comfortable work environment.

19. New developments in Zero Net Energy: from Hayward’s new commitments to ZNE in municipal buildings, to Palo Alto’s work toward a new reach code, to Lancaster’s award of $1.47M for conversion to ZNE, local governments are acting on ZNE across the state. Learn more here.

20. Electric vehicles as a Distributed Energy Resource (DER): two new online videos on electric vehicles came out in the last week: learn from the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) and SDG&E about best practices in deploying electric vehicles as a distributed energy resource.

21. SCE’s Charge Ready Program: for those in Edison territory, a new video provides an overview of new electric vehicle offerings.

22. Job announcements: the Local Government Commission is hiring for a Energy Program Manager! Learn more here. LGC is also hiring for an IT Assistant – more here.

As always, you can keep track of relevant events by connecting to the EE Events Calendar, and find more resources being added daily on the EECoordinator website – including past WEEkly Updates

That’s all for this week!