Got Grants | April Edition

April 2022 #GotGrants
This month we have four different grant funding opportunities that are all centered around promoting an equitable workforce and opportunities for underrepresented communities, see more below!

Community Economic Development Focus on Energy Communities

Who:  Applicant must be a private, non-profit CDC with 501(c)(3) status; Applicant must have articles of incorporation or bylaws demonstrating that the CDC has as a principal purpose the planning, developing, or managing of low income housing or community economic development activities; and The Board of Directors must have representation from each of the following: community residents, business leaders, and civic leaders- see more here

What: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Community Services (OCS) will solicit applications to award approximately $3.2 million in Community Economic Development (CED) discretionary grant funds to Community Development Corporations (CDCs) for CED projects that will be located in and serve energy communities – communities that have either experienced employment loss and /or economic dislocation events as a result of declines in the fossil fuel industry and/or are disproportionately reliant on fossil fuel energy production or distribution, including  coal, oil, gas, and power plant communities across the country. The overall goal of this effort will be to create good-paying jobs, spur economic revitalization, remediate environmental degradation, and support energy workers.

When: Application due May 19th, 2022

How Much: Award Floor: $100,000; Award Ceiling: $800,00; Total Program Amount: $3.2 million

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Local Conservation Corps Grant Program

Who: Nonprofit, Public Agency

What: The Local Conservation Corps (LCC) Grant Program provides grants to certified community conservation corps to serve youth 18-25 years of age with a 3 component program including job skills in recycling, education and career education.  LCCs provide beverage container litter reduction programs, and waste tire, E-waste and used oil recycling-related services.

When:  Application due May 3rd, 2022

How Much: Estimated award amounts $1,853,285 – $1,853,313 per award

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Regional K-16 Education Collaboratives Grant Program

Who: Public Agency; The lead applicant for a collaborative must be one of the required educational partners: K-12 school district, University of California Campus, California State University Campus, and/or California Community College District

What: The K-16 Program is part of a statewide strategy for strengthening education-to-workforce pathways and ensuring that education, vocational, and workforce programs work in partnership to address the income, racial, and gender inequalities in education and employment. The program is designed to support regional K-16 education collaboratives that create streamlined pathways from high school to postsecondary education and into the workforce.

When:  Application due on May 2nd, 2022

How Much: Expected award funding $15,000,000 – $20,000,000; Total program amount: $250 million

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Early Career: Drivers and Environmental Impacts of Energy Transitions in Underserved Communities

Who: Public and private nonprofit institutions/organizations, public and private institutions of higher education, and hospitals located in the U.S. and its territories or possessions; state and local governments; Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments; and U.S. territories or possessions are eligible to apply

What: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications proposing community-engaged research that will address the drivers and environmental impacts of energy transitions in underserved communities. For purposes of this competition and the evaluation of applications, “underserved communities” refers to populations sharing a particular characteristic, as well as geographic communities, that have been systematically denied a full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life, including people of color, low income, rural, tribal, indigenous, and other populations that may be disproportionately impacted by environmental harms and risks

When: Application due April 28th, 2022

How Much: Maximum award funding- $650,000; Total Program amount: $10 million

Learn More:

If you need more help applying or a community partner to collaborate with, the SJVCEO can help. Email our Executive Director, Courtney Kalashian,, to find out how we can support public agencies at no cost in pursuit of grant funding