Supporting Schools with Energy Efficiency

Educators and schools across California continue to need support as the months of “virtual school” continue. With COVID-19 regulations changing, teachers are adapting to a new normal and becoming experts on technological platforms used to execute distance learning. In addition, our rural schools face increased issues on top of the ones mentioned. “Due to their geographic locations and typically smaller sizes, rural schools face several energy efficiency and renewable energy challenges related to implementation, financing, and operations.” These difficulties highlight that our schools need extra assistance. Below you will find a variety of resources from classroom help from our utility partners to rural school energy efficiency resources from the U.S. DOE, take a look!

U.S. Department of Energy: Better Buildings- EE and Renewable Energy Resources for Rural K-12
Through the Better Buildings Initiative, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) partners with leading businesses, manufacturers, cities, states, universities, and school districts, who pledge to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings and infrastructure through voluntary commitments like the Better Buildings Challenge 10-year, 20% reduction goal.

Solution for Rural K-12 Schools:
1. Understanding the building’s current energy use by conducting a building energy audit, which can be as simple as reviewing energy bills.
2. Considering how energy efficiency can make onsite renewable energy investments more cost-effective
3.  Considering occupants (teachers, students, and staff) when evaluating energy efficiency strategies

Please click here to access more resources that the Better Buildings program offers for Rural K-12 schools in the United States!

Southern California Regional Energy Network & PEAK Program
Schools continue to operate and maintain facilities without students in attendance. All facilities consume energy and it is one of the few expenses that YOU can reduce without negatively impacting classroom curriculum. In partnership with the SoCalREN, you can receive NO COST energy efficiency project implementation to help cut down on utility costs, especially if you are dealing with budget constraints.
1. PEAK Student Energy Actions Education Enrollment Form
2. No-Cost EE Registration Form

IOU Partners- School Resources for Educators, Students, and School Maintenance Staff

1.  SCE at home: To help plan your “home classroom” for distance learning, we are sharing some energy-efficient tips. Being energy efficient can help lower your energy bill and we’re hoping that’s stress we can take off your plate.

2.  PG&E for teachers and students: Energenius Teacher Guides and student workbooks are available in PDF format below. Materials correlate to Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.

3.  SCG at school sites: Schools can take advantage of On-Bill Financing with loan amounts for EE projects ranging from $5,000-$250,000 per meter