See What SJVCEO Has Been Up to in November

We hope that everyone had a safe and indulging Thanksgiving this year. SJVCEO was able to have a few days off and enjoy a little downtime and hope that you were able to do the same.Now we are back to work and cranking out the energy projects.
For the VIEW Partnership the month of November included a lot of travel. The partnership attended the PG&E as well as the SCE and SCG all partners meetings. These meetings took place in San Francisco as well as Los Angeles. We were able to hear all of the amazing work that partners all over California are doing as well as the new outcomes from each utility. Being able to see our fellow energy partners at least once a year is nice. We are able to take pointers from each other as well as compare notes. The partnership has also been working hard processing incentives to the tune of 450,000kWh savings as well as getting projects in the pipeline for the beginning of 2016.
SJVCEO's municipal energy tune up program has been busy at work as well. After several months of benchmarking, we finally met with the County of Kern to discuss our findings. We’re using the benchmarking information to dig down deeper to find savings.  The county has also saved 169,000 kWh in exterior lighting by switching to LED. Exterior lighting is an easy way for municipalities to get a quick payback as lights typically stay on for 4,100 hours per year.  The maintenance savings are also huge too, as LED lights can last more than 50,000 hours, or over 12 years!  As METU keeps raking up the savings we will keep you in the loop.
And last but not least SJVCEO participated in the Electric Vehicle Partnership meeting that took place in November at the Fresno Airport. This event was a big success and even included a ride-and-drive component. We hope that this leads to a wider adoption of electric vehicles in the Central Valley.

Stay Tuned for Next Months Update!