San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization

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Connectors of Connections

SJVCEO has built its 15 years of success upon creating and sustaining connections with many individuals and organizations that serve our communities. Sure, things have changed over the years, and we may not interact with the same individuals and organizations in the same way. But…never have we forgotten how to stay in touch since there may always be a way that we work together in the future.

Connections are by definition “relationships in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with someone else.” We all forge connections at the same moment we take our first breath in the world, and we continue to do so through school, sports and into our professional lives. In good times those connections flourish and come with ease as it is business as usual, so to say. Yet when things change, and those relationships are still needed, we often forget that they exist.

The only constant in our lives is change. We all adapt as best as we can, but we must keep in mind that all those years of creating and sustaining past connections is for a situation like this. We all should sit down and write who and what we know when we are faced with change. Those connections to individuals and organizations are what can reinvigorate and bring forth a new and improved version of where you were before the change.

Success is once we start to realize that we are better off working together rather than against each other. SJVCEO understands that we are not masters of all and we must rely on our connections to make the process work. So just a friendly reminder to take the time to collect the names of individuals and organizations that you connect with….maybe even send a quick catch up email. You may be pleasantly surprised that you get a response with opportunity.