San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization

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Technology Tuesdays: Electricity Generating “Stuff”

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It appears to be a new trend for companies to take products that we use on a daily basis and recreate them in such a way that they generate electricity. Two products that fall into this category are wood floors and tires.

Electricity Generating Wood Floors
This concept is born from the triboelectric effect; the method of generating electricity by transferring electrons from one material to another. You may be more familiar with this concept as static electricity. Think about the last time you rubbed a balloon on your head and your hair stood up. This occurs because electrons are being transferred from one material (your hair) to another (the balloon). The end result is hilarious; it is also a statically charged balloon.

For this to be successful, the two materials must be triboelectric. Specifically, one must have the ability to attract electrons and the other must have the ability to lose them. Wood is neutral and does neither so how exactly does this work? The wood is coated in synthetic materials that are triboelectric. The benefit of this method is that it lessens the amount of the synthetic material needed to create this effect. The overall concept is to generate some of the energy needed to power your home just by walking on your floors.

Electricity Generating Tires
Tires that generate electricity is a much more theoretical concept. Companies like Goodyear are putting resources into finding ways this can be done however, nothing has been developed just yet. This concept is based on the piezoelectric effect which is the electric charge that is generated when certain materials are compressed or squeezed. The problem is the materials that are best used to create the piezoelectric effect include things like quartz, ceramic, and certain types of salts. None of which are a good material to incorporate into a tire.

The other method is based on thermoelectricity which makes sense because tires frequently change temperatures during regular use. However, thermoelectricity also presents the same issues with materials. Currently, scientists and engineers are looking for a way to incorporate one of these materials into the tire without compromising its durability and elasticity.

Although we will likely have electricity generating wood floors long before we have electricity generating tires, these are both fascinating spaces to watch in the coming years. While I am excited to have a floor that can power my house, I think I am equally excited that my tires may one day be responsible for additional range in my electric vehicle.

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