San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization

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Technology Tuesdays

We all know that wearing light colored clothing in the summertime keeps you cooler. Ever wonder why buildings don’t use the same logic?

A Cool Roof is made from materials that reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a normal roof. In the valley summer heat, a normal roof can reach temperatures of 150° F or higher. A Cool Roof can stay 50° F, or more, cooler than a normal roof in the same conditions. Since the roof of a building often has the biggest surface area directly impacted by the sun, it makes perfect sense for this part of your building to be a cool as possible which will reduce your cooling load.

Cool roofs can be made from several different types of materials such as reflective paint, reflective roll-on sheet covering, or highly reflective tiles or shingles. You can find more information on Cool Roofs here.

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